Don't understand this sign at the windows of forward cabin


Senior Flea Coller Tester
We are going on the HAL Amsterdam in August. I was checking on line for pics of my cabin, and found pics of the same cabin on the Zaandam. Same layout, same location on the deck, so it seems like it would likely have the same setup.

One of the pics showed a sign on the window that said


Why do closed window curtains make a difference? I like looking at the ocean at night. sigh...


Staff Captain
Glo, it has something to do with lights from forward-facing cabins affecting the night vision of those on the bridge.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
ahhhh.... ok, that totally makes sense. You wouldn't think it would affect them, but if they say it does, and considering I'm up front... um yeah, we'll close those blinds!

Actually, I would have anyway, but I just wanted to know why. Now, does that mean that the deck in front of our cabins is closed at night because it's blacked out?


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Nah, deck access will be open, unless the weather is bad. If cabin lights are on, there could be a night vision problem, but if they're off, the curtains can be open ....

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
The lights from the cabins do cause a problem for navigation at night.

We were on the Island Princess (the old Love Boat) many years ago. Our suite was right at the front of the ship. There wasn't a sign -- but we have metal blinds that had to be kept closed from dark until dawn. We asked our cabin steward about this and he explained that the lights from our cabins did reflect onto the bow -- the bridge was right above us -- and those lights did cause a navigation problem.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Oh, I get it. Kinda like the reflection off my dashboard onto my windshield in my car. Like I said, since I'm up front, you can be sure that I don't want to be first in line for any kind of an accident, so we will do what we need to to make sure the "drivers" have the best navigation conditions they can! :doubleup: