Dress code on Celebrity



Hi all. I am new to Celebrity Cruises this year, my first cruise is a 14 night Med Cruise (Europe). I am looking for ward to it so much. We have a sky suite which should be fantastic :).
I have a question. I have been looking at the dress codes and have noticed that on informal nights a shirt and jacket is required, but not neccessarily a tie. I like the idea of wearing a smart shirt and jacket and no tie. Did you see this when you were onboard? I will as always be wearing a dress shirt and tuxedo on formal nights. Also are smart ( and I mean smart not bleached or scruffy) dark jeans ok on casual nights?

Thanks for your help



Hi Ian,

I have a pair of black levis I have worn on casual nights with a nice shirt and nobody seemed to mind. I did not feel uncomfortable wearing them. Sounds like you've got the dress code figured out pretty well.

Sky suites are awesome, especially on a longer cruise. Have a blast!!!

Happy Cruising,



My husband (37) did great on our 11-night cruise with just a tan pair and a black pair of Dockers, and his one pair of formal pants. The tan and black work great for casual and informal nights with different mixings of shirts/ties/etc. He said he would have felt underdressed among the mostly older crowd if he'd worn jeans. Having only been on a Carnival cruise before, I wasn't expecting the level of dressiness to be so much higher on Celebrity. I agree you should be comfortable but I think a pair of khakis are pretty comfortable and just look more appropriate for the dining room. Just the opinion of a lady who was VERY appreciative of my (usually jeans/t-shirt) husband because he wanted to look nice for our special trip and for me, and he was definitely rewarded for it!!


Celebrity states "no jeans in the dining room for dinner." You can ignore this if you'd like as others do, but we never pack jeans on any of our cruises as it's against their dress code.

On informal nights all the men at our table had on jackets and ties. I guess we are just more "formal" dressers than most.


Many thanks guys. I am used to shirt, tie and jacket from P&O it's just nice to have a break sometimes and wear shirt and jacket only. No fears tho we will be smart :) Ian