Since we are soon sailing on the Golden Princess, we need a bit of advice! We heard from someone that has recently sailed on this line that women are not allowed in the dining room with sleeveless dresses or bare arms without cover-ups? This sounds a bit ridiculous as most formal gowns do not HAVE sleeves, but wanted to check with someone that has been on this cruise ship lately. Tell me it is NOT so!!! Also we are under the assumption that there are two really formal nights and the rest are smart-casual. Does this mean the men can wear polo shirts and dockers on those smart-casual nights, without sport jackets? Which nights are the formal nights--we are going on the Eastern Caribbean route with the first two days at sea. Are the portrait photos taken only on the formal nights? How soon would one have to sign up for that, as our family will want a group photo taken. Thanks!! Oh, one more thought---I read on one of these boards that we shouldn't drink the water on the ship? Does this mean the water in the dining rooms too?