Dress Code on Sun



Obviously my cruise is fast approaching w/ my 3 posts today. I need the real skinny on the dress code w/ the Freestyle dining. Book says Resort Casual, I take that as khaki's and short sleeve dressy shirts. Last cruise was almost 13 yrs ago. Is there a formal night? or is it just if you eat in the main dining rooms, you dress accordingly, khakis and dress shirts. I have been checking message boards and there hasn't seemed to have been a distinct answer. I have some light weight dressy jeans w/ nice shirts and dress shoes? This is or is not appropriate in the main dinning rooms? (Definitely not wranglers or lee jeans or anything like that.)


For Freestyle dining, it's basically no jeans, t-shirts or shorts in the main dining rooms at dinner. In the evening, I wore black slacks and nice tops and my husband wore khakis and polo shirts or short sleeve button-up shirts. You may get away with jeans, but I didn't notice anyone wearing any when we went. There was 1 formal night. The women wore cocktail/evening dresses and the men were in suits/tuxes. With Freestyle, there's always the option not to dress up. If you don't want to dress up at all, you can always go to the buffet. There you can wear shorts, t-shirts, whatever. We ate at the buffet one night because we left port later in the evening and we were to tired to get dressed up and too hungry to be waited on. They also usually have a BBQ pretty much every evening if you don't want to sit down and eat - no dress code there. For breakfast and lunch, even in the main dining rooms, shorts and t-shirts are fine.