Dunns River Question


phil b

Do you think children (6, 8, and 10) can hike up the falls, or is the rushing water too much? Is there a trail next to the falls we could hike up as an option?

Does Peat Taylor have a website?


There is not a trail so much as a walkway that runs alongside the falls.

When we were there last year, there were lots of kids. It was hard for them at times....not because of the rushing water but because the rocks are so slippery and they often needed both hands of whatever adult was with them. It's definitely doable, though, especially if you don't mind making the famous "human chain."


Plus.... the water at times is just running over your ankles, but at other times is waist deep on an adult. The 10 year old can do it, I think.... 8 maybe, but I dont know about 6. Go and try, there are steps running along side the falls (as mentioned above) if you cant do the entire falls, and a place to get out mid-way.


Dunns River was great. Myself and my 7 year old daughter and my cousin and his seven year old daughter did the falls on our last visit to Ocho Rios. We started at the bottom and climbed as far as the girls could make it. There are several exit points along the climb to a nice solid path/stairs. Wear beach shoes for the traction. Enjoy.

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Post Edited (03-27-04 05:46)


My girlfriend and I brought our 2 then 5-year-olds and they both did well. In fact, when we got out 1/2 up, my daughter wanted to keep going! No, its not easy, but if the kids are relatively athletic and not afraid of the water, they'll have a great time. Plus, there are men stationed all along the falls to help the kids (and the adults!) over the hard parts. They literally lifted me straight up in the air (WHEEEEEE!!!!).

Enjoy it - its definately a memory your kids will keep. Don't forget to bring a disposable waterproof camera with a wrist band so you can take lots of climbing pics.


Just returned from the Mariner. 4 year old went up no problem. They will probably do better than the adults. Take it from experience.