e-cards for Maw


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The hospital has an area where you can send an e-card to a patient. You need first and last name etc. Here is the link

Patient E-card Request


Captain Weather
Thanks for that.

If I address it to MAW will it get to her? I do not know real name.



Staff Captain
I need a room number as well to send her a card - anyone?



Forum Manager
Brenda posted that she was moved to Telemetry. The e-card takes that for a room number. If anyone wants her name, please e-mail those of us who might know, until Brenda gives someone permission to post it, or if she posts it herself.

Hopefully, MAW will be home SOON !!!!!!!!


Staff Captain
It didn't sound like she had an official room yesterday. Telemetry is the heart unit and she was moved there because they needed the ICU bed.


Chief Security Officer
Sorry guys, working nights didn't see this till now, guess I missed it this morning before going to sleep. Name, Marilyn Whitaker, I believe the nurse told me yesterday it's telemetry 2, bed 1.