EARLIEST Boarding Time - Summit Sailing at 8pm



I am taking a Celebrity cruise for the first time - the Summit leaving out of Ft Lauderdale on 04/30 at 8:00 pm. Since I am planning my incoming flight from NY, I wanted to know how early I could realistically board the ship (not what the cruiseline advises, but REAL boarding time) . Does anyone know this from experience?


My observation is that the ship's guideline is a good one. They have pretty tight turnaround times between getting the last passengers off and readying the ship for the next cruise, so when they give you a boarding time there's not much hedge in it. We took a cruise out of Baltimore last year. The boarding time was from 2:00 to 6:00. Our travel agent advised us not to show up at 2:00 on the dot, but for some reason, we did not heed that advice. When we pulled into the parking lot at 1:30, there were hundreds of others milling about. So we had to wait until the official boarding time and then there was more waiting while the staff organized everyone. Boarding turned into one long line after another--getting our boarding info, clearing security, etc. Had we waited until about 4:00 we could have waltzed right on (as our friends did) with no waiting.


We have been on 18 cruises so far and with a very small exception most ships board early . We are usually onboard and put our carry-ons in our cabin and been up topside by noon. We usually get to the pier around 10:30 and are among the first group in line.


We were on the Summit February 2003. We left the hotel about 11:00am. We had to wait in the cruise terminal for maybe 20 minutes. I'm sure we were on board before noon.

We were not able to get into our cabin until 1:00 or 1:30, but you can go up to the Waterfall Cafe and have lunch, and walk around the ship until they announce that the cabins are ready.


I enjoy early be at the pier 10:30-11.Get aquainted with the ship. Many offer free spa tours. Check it out.have lunch
ENJOY every minute!!!