Electronic documents.


Gayle V

How do you know when electronic documents are ready for printing? Do they send you an e-mail, or are you supposed to notice some kind of new link on the web page?

You see, we don't really want electronic docs, but I noticed on the web page a link to "view document preference". Well that said we'd selected "electronic documents". Not true, so I called our TA and she notified them that we want paper docs. That was more than three weeks ago. The web page still says our preference is "electronic documents".

Well I'm biding my time, as the cruise is more than 90 days away. Perhaps they will get it right yet. But in the meantime, if it should appear that the e-docs are ready for printing, and no paper docs arrive, then I may have to get on their backs again to get it right.

(I understand that clicking on the e-doc link at any time, even hundreds of days in advance chooses e-docs for you, permanently. So I have never clicked on it yet.) So how do I know, with out clicking on the e-doc link, what's what. The e-docs could be already there, just waiting for me to print, while I sit here waiting for paper docs to show, and no paper docs ever going to be in the mail. So you see my dilemma?

Any info or advice appreciated.


I always get my docs (hard copies) in the mail even though I select Electronic. usually they arrive 30 days prior to sailing. I would not worry too much. If your TA has hard copies set up through your cruise line, then I would say you are in good shape


I booked today and noticed at the very end of the process that paper tix would cost me $25. So I opted for electronic.
Will I regret this?:help


Paying for the paper docs is news to me. I just booked my 4th and 5th cruise through carnival and it didn't cost me a dime. But , no, you wont regret it. I always just did the paper docs along with electronic because i am anal and like to have everything backed up, etc


I checked on mine earlier today and it says I have a choice between paper and electronic documents. However, when I clicked to "view" my documents, it must have done something. Now, it says I've selected electronic documents and they are ready to print. Oh well. I've had the "print-at-home" ones for another cruise line and they worked out just fine. Just so happy to have those documents ready to print. That means I'm ready. Hope November gets here sooner rather than later!