email address



Does anyone have the e-mail address for Dan Hanrahan, Celebrity's CEO? We have been trying to "ransom" our found luggage back from Italy--they want to charge us $535 + "unknown" Customs charges--AND--they ask us to email our American Express card # to them. Amex says we SHOULD NOT, under any circumstances do this.
We cannot get any satisfaction. The Supervisor of Lost & Found was very snippy to me. I figure I'd e-mail the top guys and see what happens.
Your help is appreciated.

wave runner

Sorry toi hear about your experience.

I don't know the email address but there may be an email address on the Celebrity web site. I have tried emailing Celebrity and got no response at all. The best thing to do is to call customer service and ask to speak to a supervisor, as the person who first gets your call has no authority to do anything other than give lip service. If they still will not take care of the problem, don't give up because one unique things about Celebrity is that every time you ask a question of Celebrity customer service you will get a different answer. Keep calling until you get a fair and honest answer.

Sometimes I have had limited sucess in using snail mail. Here is the address if you want to try that route:

Dan Hanrahan
COO Celebrity Cruises
1050 Caribbean Way
Miami Florida 33132

Hope this helps.


I have usually found customer service at Celebrity and Royal Caribbean to be very good so I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience.

You didn't mention the circumstances surrounding your lost luggage. Was it Celebrity's fault? If so they should be helping you. Did you book through a travel agent? If so they should be helping you.

I had a lost luggage issue when traveling on Royal Caribbean a couple of years ago. It was the airlines fault and even though I did not book my airline tickets through the cruise line, Royal Caribbean was extremely helpful (more so than the airline was).

One suggestion is that you document every communication with Celebrity. Who you spoke with, the date, time and outcome of the call. If you do write a letter send it "certified" or "return receipt requested" so you'll know who it was delivered to.

Good luck.


[size=medium][size=large]Don't waste your time with regular mail. I actually do have the name and e-mail of the President of Customer Relations, but don't feel it's fair to him to give it out here.

What I WILL tell you is how I got it...

I started with a Captains Club Hostess...NOT CUSTOMER SERVICE...and explained my complicated issue..she then put me through to the main switchboard and had them give me a supervisor in customer relations. I then insisted it be reviewed at the "highest level"...and indeed, it was. Took two days of phone calls...but I got the service I deserved, promptly and fairly

I would suggest the above approach for any and all serious issues....