email contact at Princess headquarters for complaints



I am tryiing to find a way to contact someone at Princess headquarters to complain about the seats my wife and I have been assigned on our flight to Europe that was arranged through Princess. We were given 28d and 29d which are in different rows.

Does anyone know of a group or department that someone can email a complaint to Princess management? Since Princess is now owned by Carnival I am also going to try them and see if they can assist me.

When I call the Princess 1800-princess help desk all they say is that they don't have anything to do with assigning seats on the flights but they were the ones who collected the money and who could talk to the airlines and get the seats changed if they wanted to do it.

Anyway once again any help would be appreciated.


My first thought would be to call the airline myself and get it corrected through them. The sooner you call, the better chance you will have..


I started by calling my TA and she said to call the airlines. I tried calling both United and Lufthansa. Evidently the flight is a United plane leased for the flight to Lufthansa or visa versa. Lufthansa said to call United which after 3 calls I finally found some who at least was able to give me the two seat numbers but he said the flight's seats were locked and he couldn't change anyrthing. I asked him what locked meant and he said that it meant that the agents couldn't change any of the seating at this time. He suggested calling after the first of the month, July 1 or after, which I plan on doing.

The reason I am trying to get Princess to help is that they are the ones that have the clout with the airline since they were the ones that bought a block of tickets. I am also going to call back on the 1-800-princess number and keep asking for a supervisor until I get someone who will at least contact the airline or at least that is what I am going to try.

Thanks for the replies.

I am going to keep the board informed of what happens with this. I know I didn't have these problems when we were used HAL to get a flight from Orlando to San Francisco to catch a Panama canal cruise. They made sure we had seats together.


Good luck. I always start checking on the flights as soon as I can and on 2-3 occasions have found that we were split up but have always been able to have it corrected. I understand it can be aggrevating.
Hope you can get it resolved.

Princess Pat

We've had this happen or more than one occasion with Princess The airline, at the airport the day of the flight, has always rearranged us. In fact, it turned out for the best on a recent Quantas flight, because we got bulkhead seats with friends of ours for the long flight over to NZ (see how below).

I've also seen the stewards on the flight rearranging people. Princess must have a reputation with the airline people for doing this.

Keep on trying though. You'll feel much better having this resolved before you get to the airport.

Otherwise, you'll have to put on a teary-face and exclaim increduously that the airline has separated from your spouse, loud and upset enough sounding for nearby passengers to hear.

Note: seniors can come up with "work-arounds." Don't let it be said that we can't adapt to change (presumably some smart , young, career-oriented person has come up with this 'it doesn't matter ' scheme of associating seats with mere bodies).



I usually just show up at the gate early on the day of the flight, and when checking in, ask the airlines folks to change my seating (if it isn't what I want in the first place). I've always had it done with minimal difficulty.