Krazy Kruizers
Holland America Specialist
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Captain’s Log: Eurodam’s Final Days in Dry Dock
Captain Bowland | April 11th, 2011
Today is the last full day of work on the outer hull. The final silicon layer will be applied this afternoon and curing time will take 24 hours. Silicon paint helps us with fuel economy as it reduces drag on the hull. I found our project managers (ship’s superintendents) in the dry dock this morning. In the photo, from the left is Ed Ramaekers and on the right is Henry Veringa. This morning I also took our Culinary Operations Management team for a tour of the underside for the vessel. Here we are by the forward bow thrusters and under the azipod. The latter shot gives you a good perspective on just how big these units are. Certainly a once in a lifetime experience for these dedicated crew members!! The executive chef was just happy to finally get out of the galley. Interior work should be reaching completion today and then the clean up begins. More pictures to follow.