excursions in S. Mexican Riviera



Sailing on the Spirit on Feb 28. Looking for info on what to do in ports. What is the best way to see the divers in Acapulco ?


Janet-after searching 3 different boards since November you are the first person I have found that is going on this cruise. We are a party of 2 my wife and myself. This will be our 4th Carnival cruise in the last several years. We took Spirit to Alaska the summer of '04 and really had a good time. We really like the layout of Spirit beter than Destiny or Conquest..How about you? Have you been on many Carnival cruises, been on Spirit before, etc. etc.??

To address your question. We really enjoy independant tours better than ship tours...You generally get, we have found, a better ,longer tour for less money. However I have discovered that there does not seem to be many independant tours to chose from in the Mexican Riveria. So far we have selected the turtle experience in Manzanillo as my wife is a huge nature fan. I am active on www.cruisecritic.com (if you go to this webcite you will find my thread under roll calls) where there is a wealth of information on the cliff divers in Acapulco...where to watch(at least 3 different places to watch) and what time of day to watch. In Acapulco we are working on an independant tour of the city and the cliff divers and probably a little time on the beach as well. I have an active email communication with this a tour dirrector. We need 4 additional people in order to get a good rate of $30 per person for this all day tour that comes with high recommendation from someone who has done it recently. How many in your party and do you think you might be interested in this? If you are interested I can send you additional info on it including forewarding the email data that I have received.

Anyway now there is at least 4 of us going on this cruise(maybe alot more depending on the size of your group) I have been told that Spirit is likely to be rather full. It is just that there are not many using the boards that are available for some precruise fun.


Janet, we took this cruise November '04 and we went with the cruise line on the shore excursions. We took a tour that included a day at a local resort, dinner and then the cliff divers in the evening. I do not recommend the night show because all we have is photos of the cliffs, you can barely see the divers. The only bad thing about the offered excursion in Acapulco is that they cram you into this "jewlery store" beforehand and try to get you to spend your money there, assuming that because we are American that we are all wealthy! LOL! If you venture out of the store, there are young children pushing their "handmade" goods at you, "hello, Lady!" "Hello, my friend". Pay no attention to the pushy street vendors. Just go about your business.
After the divers do their thing, they position themselves along side of the tourists and wait for you to come by and "tip" them for their dives. They are pretty amazing, and we did tip, but just be prepared for it. If you have any more questions, I would be happy to answer, as we LOVED this cruise!

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