I'm going on a cruise in a couple weeks and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for excursions to go on.
Me and a group of older (and relatively sober) college students will be on the Norwegian Spirit travelling to Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize City, and Roatan.
Also, what are the benefits to booking ahead of time versus on the cruise itself?
Any other tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help!
Guava, we will be on the same cruise but we are leaving this Sunday (guess it isn't the same one, huh?) We have done the itinerary one other time I will add.
There are lots of good tours, and I recommend booking via the net over the ship's excursions because it is much less expensive. The exception is a tour that will push you to get back to the ship in time: that is any excursion due back an hour or an hour and 1/2 prior to departure.
Depending on your interests and your finances here are a couple of ideas:
Costa Maya: the ruins are popular and there is a resont (all inclusive) that is popular as well. Our group of 12 are devided , 1/2 are doing the ruins, the other 1/2 the resort. I don't want to mention names of companies so you can email me if you like or go to the Costa Maya website. Both of these tours sell out.
Belize: same thing, there are a couple of good tour companies if you would like to zip line or do cave tubing: website is a good way to find out what is avail: Roatan, there are 2 very popular and highly recommended companies as well as others that get good reviews. Snorkeling is the one thing you will want to do I am sure.
CozumeL there are so many things to do: again, check the websites or email me.
Have a great cruise and behave yourselves.