Explorer of the Seas cabins



1st time post here - sailing on Explorer of the seas in Dec in a Superior Ocean room w/ a small balcony. Was reading earlier threads about upgrading at the pier to a better room if possible. Is it really worth the money to upgrade from this to a JS? Also, any advice about this ship would be appreciated. Sailed before on Song of America and 3 times on Rhapsody of the Seas. This will also be the first time to the Eastern Carib. Thanks!!


:wave If it is worth the money is up to you. You do get 2 cruise credits with a JS if that means anything to you. If you go for the JS it will put you into the platinum status for crown and anchor. The JS is a little bigger space wise in the cabin.

Get tickets for the ice show early as possible. The parade on the first night is neat.

The EOS is a great ship.


=yeah What Suer said about getting the ice show tickets early and the parade. Best entertainment I've seen on a ship were the Ice shows on Explorer, Navigator and Voyager. Portifino's is definately worth the $$ for one night too.

About the upgrade, it depends on how much more the upgrade would cost. Mortgage Chick just paid for an upgrade from an inside to a balcony and got a SUPER deal.

Of all my voyages Explorer of the Seas is the only ship I've sailed on twice so I know you'll =funsign


Do you spend a lot of time in your cabin???? Think back to your other cruises. For us we're fine with the standard balcony cabin. Enjoy the Explorer I've been on her twice too.


I have sailed Explorer twice. I love it! The Superior Balcony cabin was fine for us, plenty of space. The ice show was great.