extra tips ?



I know that tips are added to the bill automatically but can someone suggest amounts to give to room steward, waiters etc for good service. Being british we dont really do tipping as the americans do. I dont want to insult anyone or appear mean !


The automatic tip comes out to $10 per day. This would take care of your room steward, head waiter, waiter and assistant waiter plus I believe it covers about 75 cents a day for the wait staff in the buffet.

I believe that the room steward and waiter each get $3.50 of that $10 and I think the assitant waiter gets something like $1.75 or $2.00 the rest is given to the head waiter and wait staff in the buffet. Actually most the wait staff in the buffet are the waiters and assitant waiters in the main dining rooms at night.

Room service is usually tipped when they deliver your order and most pay a $1 or $2 depending on how big an order they made.

A 15% tip will be added to every drink purchase whether soda or alcohol.

They will also tell you at the disembarkation talks what the suggested tips are.

I hope this helps some.


The tip amounts being added to the bill represent amounts that would normally be given for excellent service. So unless you feel that someone has provided you service that is well beyond excellent, the standard amounts are generous enough. For an exceptional waiter or room steward I have in the past given them an extra $20-$50 in cash at the end of a cruise.

Cruise cutie

we gave an extra $20.00 dollar bill to our room steward,waiter and asst waiter. the last night ..and they were so thrilled..they bust their a%$ and .as we were ALWAYS treated as royalty..=dunno..it's what we WANTED to do..whatever works for you will be fine I'm sure..:daisy..Joanne


We normally give an extra $20 for the cabin (in addition to the auto-tipping) to the room steward and waiter. About $10 - $15 per cabin to the asst. waiter and if there is an assistant room steward -- most of the time there isn't but once in awhile we have one.

Lady Jag

Ditto what the others have said above. We usually give $40 for a very good cabin steward and up to $90 for an excellent one, but that's for 2 staterooms (1 for the kids & 1 for us). The same goes for the waiters.