Fast check-in



A number of people have expressed concern about the long delays getting through embarkation. All passengers (including Americans) must fill out forms for Immigration. Even if you get these forms ahead of time, you will still have a lengthy process.

However, if you go to the HAL website you can fill these forms in electronically and this allows you to skip the lines and go through an express line. You can also book your shore excursions on-line using your booking number.

Hope someone finds this useful,



I think that some of the folks get too impatient, not remembering that there are as many people who have to get off the ship as there are trying to get on it and it takes time to get them off, clean the ship and prepare for another group.


You are right, but I think you are missing my point. By using the on-line system for forms, you can avoid long lines.


Yes...if you have no discomfort about putting your passport number and such out on the web. I feel uneasy about completing that kind of information on a public forum, even if it does have a lock symbol on the site. I'll stand in line and complete Immigration Forms in the Terminal.


It's your choice,

I bank on-line, and think the systems now in place for security are enough to waive the hour of waiting in the embarkation lounge. To each their level of comfort.

No matter what, have a great cruise,



I don't know that it saves time--- we recently went on Celebrity and had filled out the forms on line--got to the check in, lines were long and basically looked like the rep. went over everything again. I don't think they will just wave you through because you had pre-registered on line.
Main thing is for people to have the proper documents , have them properly filled out and have them in hand. I personally saw several who had to hunt and dig through their purses, carryons, etc, evidently hunting for something the rep. needed. This is what drives everyone crazy --- kind of like going to the store, standing in check out behind someone who waits until they tell them the total, then starts digging through their purse looking for the checkbook.


The response from some to folks who express uncertainty about putting personal info on the online immigration form has been that people do banking online. I don't think that is the point. The information required on the form includes social security number and passport number., Actually,considering the shape our world is in and the new need for tight security,I think it was foolish of HAL to even expect anyone to do this.I know we won't! How about having more people at 'check in' to expedite things instead!.


I certainly agree that a few more people at the check in desks would help, whether it be HAL, Celebrity or whomever but I still think people have to understand that the ship has to get everyone off and ready for the next gang of cruisers before they can let anyone on and---people need to take the time to make sure they have the proper documents , have them properly completed and readily available. If EVERYONE would do this, it would go a long way toward keeping the lines moving.

With the problems re/ security today I really don't know if I want the cruise lines to rely too much on "on-line" check-ins. They need to know exactly who is coming on and if everything document-wise matches up. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.


frito..of course your opinion matters. And I agree with you.....

We've checked in for a whole lot of HAL cruises and have never had any long delay.
I have read of occasions when they have had computer problems....well, that happens to all of us at one time or another.


We are comfortable taking a taxi in Ft Lauderdale and arriving with luggage a bit later- and usually find no long lines; In foreign countries where WE are deficient in their language we usually purchase transfers and arrive with a huge group; some things CAN'T be helped. I guess on embarcation and disembacation days it just helps to not get real upset about anything.....easier on my hubby too! ;-)


I guess I'm one of the ones that uses the computer - We've filled out our documentation online several times and it has always speeded up the process. I also do my banking online - as well as most other business.


A question: Do they have seperate embarkation lines and lounge in Fort Lauderdale for Category S and PH passengers like they do in Seattle?? We are in a CAT S on the Zuiderdam soon and found embarkation on the Amsterdam in Seattle a breeze as a PH or CAT S passenger.