Feline diabetes update


Staff Captain
Thank you to all who have been thinking of my furbaby, Frasier, and his diabetes diagnosis. Long story short, he has not responded to the first type of insulin that was prescribed (Humulin), so we're going to start on another (Glargine, aka Lantus). His blood glucose levels continued to climb, eventually reaching 600, despite increasing the Humulin dose. We'll start him on Glargine on Saturday morning, so that we'll be able to monitor him throughout the day.

So, we are hoping that the new medication will prove to be effective, and that his condition won't worsen until we can start it.

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes. If any of you have experience with Glargine and feline diabetes, I'd be interested in your stories (privately, if you prefer).


Staff Captain
Sorry the 1st meds didn't work but like many of us the 1st meds don't work but something else will. My 1st meds for my high BP didn't work but we kept trying til we found 1 that did. Good luck & keep us updated.


Forever Remembered
Lisa - I'm so sorry that Frasier's first medication hasn't helped him. I sincerely hope the Glargine will be effective quickly...and lower my little friend's blood glucose levels without problems for him.

Please keep us updated.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
I must have missed this somewhere about Frasier having diabetes.

Prayers that the new medication Glargine will be the right one for him.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
One of the folks I carpool with had a cat that was on insulin a long time. He was pretty bad off at one point yet he came around and lived about another 4 years...I just emailed her to see what he was taking. I hope you can find the right Rx for him as I know how important that is.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Here is the response I got from Kathy...

He used glargine (Lantus) and did well. We dealt with the diabetes for over 3 years. My vet told me that it can take a week or so for the sugar levels to level off. Since he was on another brand ( I think the original vet used the Humulin but Dr. Huntsman – the cat specialist – preferred the glargine) we had to cut down on one while increasing with the glargine (basically two different shots – you can not mix the insulins) until he was completely on the Lantus. Also, I got my insulin from Costco, who also sold me the needles – since I received the insulin from them the needles were (almost) cost – the normal price for the box of 100 was around $28, but they sold it to me for less than $15.


Staff Captain
Thank you all for your concern.

Update #2: It took a few months and trying two different medications, and Frasier's diabetes is now controlled. :clap:Last week, I started getting readings in the 100s, exactly where the vet would like him to be. So, it took about two months to find the right dose of Glargine (Lantus). He's also put back all of the weight he lost, and his liquid input and output are back to normal. He's still hungry often, as we have to watch his diet. Yet, he's healthy and happy and trotting around here like a kitten.

Thank you again for all of your well-wishes, and for the diabetes advice given on the board or privately. It's greatly appreciated.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Sorry you are going through this. No fun for anyone of you.

I was recently reading about cats and dogs and diabetes. I am sure that by this time he's on a prescription diet, but just in case, he should be on a low glycemic diet, which means as few carbs as possible. EVO wet is excellent. Low-carb diet - Pet Diabetes

Also in the same article I read, cinnamon helps. I know it helped me control my blood sugars (118 to 101 to 90) and some people sprinkle it a little bit each day on their pets food. I use it when I brew my coffee, and put it in as much food as I can.

None of these will interfere with the insulin, but of course, you should discuss with your vet first. Just remember that vets don't often have the time (or inclination) to catch up on new nutritional news. But there is no denying that foods do cause chemical reactions in living tissue.

Good luck, and happy outcome for Frasier.


Staff Captain
Thanks, Glo. You guessed correctly -- he's been on a prescription low carbohydrate diet since he was initially diagnosed over the summer. Once his weight returned, we reduced his portion sizes, as well. This is excellent advice that many don't consider, so thank you for posting. His cat sitter is under strict instructions to feed him nothing but this food, in the portion sizes we set aside in Tupperware ahead of time.

Interesting about cinnamon. I am have high normal blood glucose, and am being watched due to strong family history. I put cinnamon in just about everything... I wonder if that's been keeping me stable?

Something really cute... Frasier seems to know when it's time for his insulin, and comes over to tell me. He then sits patiently when I give him the injection. He must realize it helps him. I imagine there is quite a difference in how he feels now at 90-110 than he did in the 500s.

Finally... Denise.... I thought I had responded earlier, and see it is not there. Your advice was wonderful and gave me a lot of hope at the time. Please thank your friend for me... and thank you, too.