? for those who have booked through RC



I'm thinking about taking the reef/beach break excursion through RC. If you've taken it before could you tell me if you enjoyed it?

Also, I understand that if you're taking an excursion through a shore-based company, you should tell (I'm not sure who) when you get on board so they can let you off first, correct?



[quote kinch417]I'm thinking about taking the reef/beach break excursion through RC. If you've taken it before could you tell me if you enjoyed it?

Also, I understand that if you're taking an excursion through a shore-based company, you should tell (I'm not sure who) when you get on board so they can let you off first, correct?


Re enjoying it, wow there are a ton of reef/beach excursions via RCCL so a port of call would help greatly. Even with that, some POC's have 3 or more beach breaks.

As for getting off first, RCCL passengers taking a RCCL excursion have first shot at the tenders.

If not tendered, no big deal, most folks don't get off early unless they are going on a tour.

If tendered, you are at the mercy of the sea. If you have an excusrion planned and you can't get off or are late because of wave action, RCCL will simply reimburse you. If you book on your own and have paid, you are SOL.

We tried a few times to undercut RCCL and each time found it was cheaper using their prices/transportation/warranty.

Your experiences may vary.