Formal Night for the guys


Hello Everyone! Only 66 more days until we will be cruising on the Dream for 7 wonderful days!

I traveled on the CArnival last year with my daughter and we wore sundresses and a little more elegant dresses to the evening dinners. I will be going iwth my husband this year and he doesn't own one suit. I was wondering if black/khaki slacks with a polo shirt is formal enough for the evening dinners. I also reserved a dinner in the steakhouse for our anniversary night and that will be my first time there. Just looking for advice so I know if I should go buy him a tie and button up shirt. I also saw they offer tux rentals but didn't know if that was really necessary.


They recommend dress slacks and dress shirts, along with a sport coat. I don't think it would be a problem with a polo shirt. If it is not a hardship, I would get him a dress shirt and tie. Lots of picture taking opportunities. :)


I know you have already went on your cruise but in case anyone else had the same question...

They recommend dress slacks and dress shirts, along with a sport coat. I don't think it would be a problem with a polo shirt. If it is not a hardship, I would get him a dress shirt and tie. Lots of picture taking opportunities. :)

I agree. I have noticed that carnival is not as strict with their dress code but I know that slacks and perhaps a nice button down will work. Here is a link on their dress code. scroll to the "what to wear" section and it breaks down what is acceptable for each type of dining. Hope this helps someone out there :0)