Does anyone know if there is a formal night on the 3-day Fantasy cruise? Thanks!
S Susan O Guest Apr 30, 2003 #1 Does anyone know if there is a formal night on the 3-day Fantasy cruise? Thanks!
K Kar06 Guest Apr 30, 2003 #2 If I remember correctly there is. But I might have been on the 4 day one. I don't remember! The sad thing was it was only 4 yrs ago!
If I remember correctly there is. But I might have been on the 4 day one. I don't remember! The sad thing was it was only 4 yrs ago!
S Susan O Guest May 1, 2003 #3 Don't feel bad, I can barely remember what happened 4 DAYS ago sometimes!
S Sara Lee Guest May 1, 2003 #4 Yes there is a formal night on the Fantasy 3 day cruise and I believe it is on Friday night .. Lots of people do dress up but some dont , so its really up to your own taste .. Hope this helps...
Yes there is a formal night on the Fantasy 3 day cruise and I believe it is on Friday night .. Lots of people do dress up but some dont , so its really up to your own taste .. Hope this helps...