Formal Nights




Can someone please advise as to what would be acceptable attire for the two formal dinner nights on Carnival Pride? My daughters, (18 and 19) were wondering if their prior prom dresses (long) would be to formal or not enough? Thank you :)


The prom dresses would definately be formal enough. I'm sure they will look beautiful!

Princess Sapphire - Nov. 08 - Mexican Riviera


Agreed. Prom dresses will be great. Another option is to hit the local Goodwill/Slavation Army resale store. You can get bridesmaids (as well as prom) dresses for pennies. Even with any necessary alterations, your cost will still come in at around $20-30.


Carnival no longer has "Formal Nights." It is now called, "Cruise Elegant Night."
From the Carnival website:

Cruise Elegant Dining Dress Code: Gentlemen - Dress slacks, dress shirts. We also suggest a sport coat. If you wish to wear suits and ties or tuxedos, by all means we invite you to do so. Ladies - Cocktail dresses, pantsuits, elegant skirts and blouses; if you‘d like to show off your evening gowns, that's great too!

Not permitted in the dining room during the Cruise Elegant dinner for ladies and gentlemen: shorts, gym shorts, T-shirts, beach flip-flops, bathing suit attire, jeans, cut-off jeans, sleeveless shirts for men, sportswear, and baseball hats.


Dan40 said:
Not permitted in the dining room during the Cruise Elegant dinner for ladies and gentlemen: shorts, gym shorts, T-shirts, beach flip-flops, bathing suit attire, jeans, cut-off jeans, sleeveless shirts for men, sportswear, and baseball hats.

To me, that sentence implies that, on other than "Cruise Elegant Night", the identified attire IS ALLOWED in the dining room. Yeah buddy, now that's class .....


My advise for your two daughters is to just take some simple nice evening dresses for elegant/formal night.
If they take their prom dresses they will run to their cabin to change into their jeans once the formal dinner is over.

If you are flying it is best to leave the prom dresses home because they take up a lot of luggage space.

Times have changed and people are starting to wear more casual type of clothing on elegant/formal nights.

I just wear a black simple dress with glitter on the top. You can't go wrong with black and white colors.

I am planning to go shopping at a second hand store to look for a simple white summer sweather since it is sometimes too cold for me in the air-conditioned ships. I plan to cruise soon on May 3rd and I only have winter sweaters.

I couldn't find any nice sweaters at the regular stores today. Tomorrow I plan to shop at the Thrifty shops. They sell sweathers all year around.

Regarding flip-flop shoes for gals..... I see them all the time at dinner time because they are very popular with women of all ages. I also notice seniors wearing tennis shoes with their Sunday Church clothes on Elegant nights.

Times have changed. Just look presentable and you will be fine. Don't over pack because nobody cares what we really wear as long as we are wearing decent clothing.


Calgon1 said:
Dan40 said:
Not permitted in the dining room during the Cruise Elegant dinner for ladies and gentlemen: shorts, gym shorts, T-shirts, beach flip-flops, bathing suit attire, jeans, cut-off jeans, sleeveless shirts for men, sportswear, and baseball hats.

To me, that sentence implies that, on other than "Cruise Elegant Night", the identified attire IS ALLOWED in the dining room. Yeah buddy, now that's class .....

A bit of an uncalled for, Carnival Bash, on your part. As I'm sure you are aware, I only coppied the dress code pertaining to the "Cruise Elegant Nights."

Here is the casual dress code:
Cruise Casual Dining Dress Code: Gentlemen - Sport slacks, khakis, jeans (no cut-offs), dress shorts (long), collared sport shirts; Ladies - Casual dresses, casual skirts or pants and blouses, summer dresses, Capri pants, dress shorts, jeans (no cut-offs).

Not permitted in the dining room during the Cruise Casual dinner for ladies and gentlemen: shorts, gym shorts, basketball shorts, beach flip-flops, bathing suit attire, cut-off jeans, sleeveless shirts for men and baseball hats.


Calgon1 said:
Dan40 said:
Not permitted in the dining room during the Cruise Elegant dinner for ladies and gentlemen: shorts, gym shorts, T-shirts, beach flip-flops, bathing suit attire, jeans, cut-off jeans, sleeveless shirts for men, sportswear, and baseball hats.

To me, that sentence implies that, on other than "Cruise Elegant Night", the identified attire IS ALLOWED in the dining room. Yeah buddy, now that's class .....

If you don't like Carnival, why do you keep posting on the Carnival boards?


Dan40 - I stand corrected. Thank you.

Cruizer - I check almost all postings, using the "Recent Postings" link. There are many that I read, but don't reply to. And, you're right. Carnial is not my favorite cruise line. You have a valid point. In retrospect, I probably have been too critical.For many, Carnival is the ideal line; whereas, the more formal lines are way too stuffy (perhaps even stuck-up?) for their tastes. Your point is made and I will take it to heart. I never meant to offend. In the future, will try to temper my comments. Thank you, and please accept my appology.


My personal message to KCMARTI82, Hi, you will be cruising on the Carnival Pride which is one of my favorite ships because they have great food, great entertainment, great service, great Trivia games and lots of other fun activities.
You have made a great choice of ships. I cruised on that ship three times.

The Carnival cabins are 185sq.feet which is enough space to enjoy your cabin. SOME OF THE OTHER CRUISELINES ONLY HAVE 145sq.feet cabins. Plus, they charge more for the same itinerary. Why should I waste my money on cruising on other cruise-lines that have small cabins and have to pay almost double for cruising?

I do like cruising on Princess but they charge too much for me to cruise solo. RCL just charges too much money even if I have a room-mate. I like cruising with those two cruise-lines but they should charge less money for single persons cruising solo like Carnival does.

I have cruised 35+ times on different cruise lines since the 1970's. I have witnessed some ships go downhill in their food and entertainment. When that happens I no-longer cruise on that ship anymore.

For example: I don't like the Golden Princess ship because it is too old and it recently was having some engine problems. The food is lousy and it just isn't any fun. BUT... I loved the STAR PRINCESS this past summer.

Carnival has one ship I can't stand because it has lousy decorations all over the place and the food was lousy. I think it was the Valor ship. It is the ship that has a bunch of eyes staring at you at the

I didn't used to like Carnival either for different reasons but Carnvial has really changed for the better in the last few years.

Beware of the expensive SPA CHARGES on "all cruise lines" because the SPA services is part of an "outside vendor deal" and not part of the ship's responsibilites. They like to push expensive face creams that can cost as high as $400.
Their prices are outrages but a lot of people do enjoy the Spa services because they have money to blow.



Wow, I appreciate all the responses and tips. I leave in less than a month. First cruise ever and first real vaction in the past 15 years. Well, unless of course you count our across country moving trips courtesy of the USMC :) We are so excitted!


On all the cruises that I went on when I was still young enough to wear my prom dresses, I did so. I like to have a "reason" to dress up, so I LOVE formal nights on cruises. And, it will give them an excuse to wear the dresses again!


kcmarti82 said:

Can someone please advise as to what would be acceptable attire for the two formal dinner nights on Carnival Pride? My daughters, (18 and 19) were wondering if their prior prom dresses (long) would be to formal or not enough? Thank you :)

Elegant Night is still a special night for many cruisers who also want to feel special, regardless of what attire is now "allowed". Your girls should definitely wear their prom dresses as I'm sure they love them and will want to look great on their cruise.
