Four Seasons VS Seven Seas Dining Room


AJ coast

I'm sailing on the Norwegian Sea in December, and I'm just wondering if the Four Seasons Dining room has a different menu than the Seven Seas Dining ROom. I have heard that one is more formal than the other, but havnt heard of the disparity of foods. Also, does the menu in Le Bistro change everyday? THanks for your reply.


On the SKY (now the POA) the biggest differences between the 2 dining rooms were the decor & the noise level. You could hear the engines & feel the vibrations in the one that was farther aft. The menus were identical. I imagine it's similar on the Sea.


On the Sun the menus were similiar on most nights - the 4 seasons will be the restaurant for formal nights while the 7 seas will be resort casual - no jeans in either restaurant after 5PM
Hope this helps



I think the menus on the Sea were the same last January. On formal night, one of the restaurants was designated as formal, with the other one being optional formal. We ate in the "formal" dining room, but it didn't require tuxes & cocktail gowns -- my DH was in a jacket and tie, and I wore a "church" dress. We ended up preferring the Four Seasons (mid-ship), but mainly because we got a great server and kept getting seated in her area.

The Seven Seas was open for breakfast & lunch, while the Four Seasons was closed until dinner time.

Don Clark

I used both.... However, the middle of the ship dining room is much smoother than the dining room at the stern.... Of course, the view is better at the stern.... Otherwise the menu is the same....