Don't count on OIL going down anytime soon... the forcasted price through mar. 2010 is 85.00 bbl... AND... that's not a fixed price. Forecasters see demand rising as fuel suppliers restock their inventories. their will be a demand increase if this winter is as cold as it has been forcast to be. Which means that heating fuel companies will also be having to resupply their inventories as well ...... All of these factors could mean that oil could possibly top 100.00 a bbl by the new year...
I hate to be the harbinger of bad news, But as we emerge from this global recession oil demand is only going to increase. China has already increased it's demand and will continue to do so... Some analysts have been quoted as saying it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that oil could reach $200.00 a bbl sometime next year..
You know, it's times like thses that make me hate being in the business..