Full Transit Vs Partial



I am looking to do the panama canal on Princess in 2005. Trying to decide on a full transit or partial. The thought is this:

Full transit adds a few stops in western mexico that I really dont care about much and the cost of airfare to fly one way to departure port and oneway from arrival port is significantly more expensive. And once you've been through a few locks, I doubt that the other 2 or 3 locks are significantly different enough to warrant not turning around and going back. And there a few caribbean stops on the partial that i have not been to..

Anything that might persuade me to take a full vs partial??


I've done 2 full transits and 3 partial transits and ....

...go for the partial transit and take, the Ocean to Ocean tour in the canal, it is nothing short of spectacular. Once thru the Gatun locks, you will get off the ship and be taken, by tender, ashore, where you will board a bus. The bus will take you toa ship that holds around 300 passengers and you will then proceed thru the rest of the canal. It is an exciting experience to be in the locks and actually feel the ship raise. We went thru the remaining locks, under the Bridge of the Americas and then docked and were taken back to the ship via bus in Colon.

It is outstanding, giving you a FULL transit and you have the ease of flying into/out of Fort Lauderdale.


That's exactly the dilemma we were in, and the above post is precisely how we reconciled it. We weren't interested in the Mexican Riv, and I didn't care for the sea days/port ratio, so we opted for the partial transit, completing the trip on the smaller boat.