Further update on my dad


Safety Officer
Well.....he's still in ICU. At first they had said he would be released out of ICU to a room last night. But then all of a sudden they changed their minds. His blood pressure is really high and they are concerned. I personally believe his BP is so high because he is extremely agitated. He is alert (even though he doesn't understand a lot), not in any pain, and his one love is watching TV. There is no TV in the ICU and all he has to do is just lay there all day and night doing nothing and the visiting hours for ICU are so limited that my mom and I aren't allowed to see him very often. I firmly believe that if he could get out to a regular room and be able to just watch TV, that his blood pressure would go down. But of course the doctors/nurses at the hospital don't believe this. I'm so frustrated right now and also worried about my mom. She's 83 and has COPD and her breathing seems to have gotten worse the last couple days because she is also exhausted. I thank you all for your prayers!!

Donna - dsw

Staff Captain
I am so sorry to hear this - will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers - keep asking for what you want - ask to speak to a supervisors - belive me - from dealing with issues from Nathan - you have to keep at it. We have fired many a doctor!


Staff Captain
I understand your frustration & I wish that sometimes drs would just LISTEN a little more to what patients/family tell them. I think you are probably right that he is agitated due to his isolation from his TV as well as access to his family.


Staff Captain
Nitestar (((HUGS))) I hope your dad is moved to a regular room soon, and that your mom can get some rest. Maybe, at her age, and copd, she should be wearing a mask while at the hospital? Please take care of yourself! :smile:


Staff Captain
Sorry to hear that things didn't progress as well as you hoped yesterday. I hope today is better and they get him to a room where he can be more comfortable.


Staff Captain
Lots of prayers for your Dad, Nita. I hope you are able to make the hospital understand, and get him in a regular room soon. God bless...


Safety Officer
Well, the hospital just called me (I'm at work today only because my mom absolutely made me come to work) and said that dad should be released to the floor within the hour. They said they had tried to call my mom, but guess she had left the hospital. I told them.....No....she is in a wheelchair and could NOT have left the hospital and that she was in fact out in their waiting room! It turns out she was talking to my brother on her cell phone and never knew they had called her. The hosiptal that dad is in is supposed to be a top notch hospital here in the Medical Center.....but I'm beginning to wonder! Fortunately for me, I work at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center here in the Medical Center and the hospital my dad is in is just across the street. So I'll be going over there a couple times today to check on both of them. My boss was in here with me when the hospital called and he told me I should go over there now, but I told him I would wait until mom called to say they were moving him and then go help her.

Update: I no sooner sent this e-mail than my mom called me to say he was in a room......yea!!!
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1st Officer - Navigation
So glad he is now in a room and I agree about the TV so hopefully things will take a turn for the better. Many prayers from here.


Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
love to you Nita...may it all just keep getting better and better..I'll be checking back..hugs Joanne


Forever Remembered
Nita - I hope being sent to a "regular" room does the trick for your Dad. Prayers, of course, continue.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
I am so sorry to read this. Really had hoped for better news.

Know what you mean by the limited times in ICU -- when DH's mother was in one -- we could only see her for 1/2 at 2 PM and 1/2 hour at 7 PM. And the hospital was miles from us. And no place for us to stay.

Sorry that mother is now experiencing problems.

Prayers for all of you.