FYI Ghost Bookings while sailing ON Princess Ships.....


Cruise cutie

While on a Princess Cruise..( and ON the Ship only..) have a chance while on board to go visit a"Future Princess Cruise Consultant"...usually located near the Purser's desk..this office is a Golden opportunity to get a deal..what kind of Deal?? 's the chance to lock down for a 100.00 deposit per person for a a cabin, or undeclared cruise taken on Princess cruise lines good up to 4 years... this undeclared cruise is able to be transferred to your favorite TA..what's the advantage???..For instance;..we have a 15 day cruise booked off our "Ghost" booking last would normally be $900.00 to lock up that sailing as a deposit.; for our 15 day Sea Princess cruise...but Princess accepts your Ghost as a FULL deposit as a loyal Princess passenger..depending on the length of cruise and CABIN chosen; you also get up to $150.00 PER person on your next sailing waiting as a ships's credit....Have to cancel?? problem you get your $$ back on the initial deposit..need to re-book?? because you changed your cruise plans..?? problem simply have your TA have the paperwork to process and it's a done deal..want to purchase multiple cruise "Ghost Bookings?? can do that too..

also available while ON BOARD the ship.."Share the wealth coupons"..usually 2 coupons offered per that friends or family can ALSO get your chance of deposit ; after you get you can offer the same deal to folks sailing with you on your next cruise WHEN you DO declare it..they simply get the forms processed and they get the opportunity to reap the benefits of your getting a "Ghost Booking "'s a win-win..take advantage..and folks who don't so regret it...Happy Princess cruising...Joanne

This is an added post for all :newbies who have not been aware of this option, and simply a way to re-post it..Happy research..and Happy cruisng...:)


Cruise Cutie, Here's a couple questions you might be able to help with.

I will be on a Princess cruise the end of Oct this year. I also have a Princess cruise booked thru a TA for April 2007. It was a special deal & we only needed a $100 deposit/person. We are also getting a $100 per cabin credit. Can I do a ghost booking during my Oct. 2005 cruise and use it for the April 2007 cruise thus getting an additional $150 cabin credit (total $250)?

Second question. I have friends that booked this April 2007 cruise also. They did this a few weeks after I did and the $100 deposit deal was gone. They had to put up $900/couple. They are getting the $100/cabin credit. Again, if I did the gohst booking on my Oct. 2005 cruise and got a couple "Share the wealth coupons", could my friends use them and get a refund on the deposit they have already paid, and an additional cabin credit?

I know I can probably get this information on board while booking a ghost booking, but would like to know now. Thanks for any information.


Thanks for the info. , Joanne. I plan on doing a "Ghost Booking" next April when we're on the Golden Princess. We plan on using it for our 25 anniversary cruise to Hawaii in 2010. We'll be going in March 2010 so it will still be good...........Karen

Cruise cutie

BUMP for newbies....:).and for very specific ghost booking options for friends and family versus ability to change bookings..please check with your TA..for accurate up to date info...:).Joanne...


Ghost bookings can ONLY be used for NEW bookings so U would have to cancel your cruise and rebook. Since the $100 pp shipboard credit from your TA is NO longer available it would NOT make sense to do so. Now with your friends that might be a different story but I would make sure to check the cruise pricing 1st to make sure its has NOT gone up since the original booking. :thumb



Thats one thing that keeps me coming back to Princess. The ghost bookings are a great deal! The on baord credit comes in very handy!:USA:AL


The Queen Mary (the one docked in Long Beach) is supposed to have ghosts on board (they have a special tour just for the ghosts) and it costs less than $30 per person. So you could book three people vs. $100 deposit and still get more than $10 back. :lol


I really like the kick back of the $100 nice to book a cruise for $200(ghost booking) and already have a c redit of $200 plus a credit from my agent. Wish I had done more than one.ghost booking.


We have a ghost booking to use from our cruise last year. I can't wait to use it and buy another :grin


I have a "share the wealth booking" for our upcoming cruise on Coral Princess in Sept 2006. Any one interested in joining us.


Aw maw do NOT tempt US. :nono Now U are gonna pick up a couple more Ghost Bookings in Sept. Right??? :grin



You bet E as long as we can crawl or be pushed aboard we will be trying to cruise with the group. If we could only persuade you to join us on Panama /Canal cruise we even booked a mini for it nice big balcony. Want to rent a lounge chair or couch in it?


I'm going to keep the ghost booking a secret from DH and then when the mood is right on our cruise I am going to spring it on him. Hee, hee, hee!!!

Cruise cutie

another month passes.. Whoo HOO, closer to our cruise....BUMP again for new Princess cruise info.readers....:)..Joanne


Thank you, Joanne. We plan to take advantage of this when onboard Grand Princess in April. With the three of us, it will be a significant savings. I imagine this is valid on cruises wherever Princess goes, such as Europe.