As an Elite Captains Club Member as well as a repeat Oceania Club member, I have priced both lines head-to-head frequently...Oceania ALWAYS costs more than Celebrity...I have never even come up with it being close...Of course, that's comparing both cruise only AND cruise plus air, double occupnacy, lowest priced inside or balcony cabins, similar itineraries, same approxiomate time frame...I am meticulous in my pricing...
As to itineraries, Oceania has some outstanding ones...but so does Celebrity ...and some of their Azamara itineraries are very similar to Oceanias, But, for us, we have to factor in time of year as well...since we are limited to school vacations...
Of course Celebrity visits Santorini!!! We were there on the Millennium...
As to the comparison, Silverseas and Crystal are in a different "class" than Oceania, but I have never perceived them as great value...The Oceania product is VERY similar to Celebrity's Azamara--in fact, it's the same ships...
I've compared Oceania and Celebrity M-Class before...The space-to-passenger and crew-to-passenger ratios are acvtually very similar--with the M-class actually a fraction roomier...The other differences are in entertainment--MUCH BETTER on the M-Class, the open seating on O vs. the traditional dining on X--Both have advantages and disadvantages...and the lack of formal nights on O...The O also has less activity at night and fewer off-hour dining options...
Both lines offer a nice product, but any notion that O is somehow "more luxurious" is, at best, in the eye of the beholder...
On the whole, Celebrity clearly gives you the better value for the money...though Oceania is indeed worth a try...Like I said, I do it for the specific itinerary...and don't mind paying a little more sometimes--but I really am paying a bit more on O...I could have taken the mid-July 2009 Azamara Black Sea 14 night itinerary with air for right around $8,000 in Cabin 6010...but I am taking a June 27,2009 14 night "Holy Land" itinerary on
Oceania at a cost, APPLES FOR APPLES, in the same cabin #6010 on an identical sister ship for $10,200...I am paying an extra $2200 for my different choice of Eastern Mediterranean ports...Everything else is pretty much comparable...and not more luxurious...