We have sailed from New Orleans X3, and Galveston X1 last year. We loved New Orleans with the food and music, always something to do right outside your door but Galveston was fine too. We always drove to our piers from Minnesota. In Galveston we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express right on Seawall Blvd. They offered a good deal for park and cruise (like around $109 for one night + leaving your vehicle for 1 wk). Our first room we had did have a strong mold odor due to the hurrcaine the previous fall but they did upgrade our room (get a 2nd floor room). Wonderful places to eat right along the blvd, especially if you are into sea food. We are more mainstream and ate at an excellent Mexican place about 2 blocks up from our hotel and also we ate at a Salt Grass Steak House. Embarking and Disembarking will be very very smooth, and many of the hotels offer free shuttles. Good Luck! My prayers go out to New Orleans and the residents still suffering, the rescue efforts being made, and all those involved in talking care of these displaced Americans. New Orleans will always be our families favorite place.
Turkeyman.....please check in when you can....