Golden 8/20/06 Western Europe/British Isles


Christine Cruisin

I'm excited! Let's get this thread going. I'm interested in private tours and meeting those who are going to be on board. What's the best (easiest) way to get from London to South Hampton for departure? Would prefer to hire a car.
We are planning to spend three days in London prior to cruise. Any recommendations on hotels in London. Something in the $200 range or less if possible. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Christine Cruisin

I'm anxious and enjoy planning!!! Anyone that HAS been on this cruise that can help??


My two friends & I are going on that cruise. We're ariving a couple of days earlier & will be visiting Devon, Cornwall & South Hampton before boarding. I'm looking into a small B&B for our pre-boarding stay. We've decided to only go on the Norway & Amsterdam excursions. We're going to stay 8 days after to explore.

Christine Cruisin

My husband and are very excited about this cruise. I wondering with your login name, are you from Hawaii? My husband was born and raised on the Big Island.


Yes, we are from Hawaii. I was just on the Big Island earlier this month for a vacation. My friend lives in London & will be checking out hotels for us. We're going to try out some B&Bs to keep the $ down. Don't go to any of the Swan hotels, they're not well run.

Christine Cruisin

What island do you live on My husband's parents live in Aina Haina on Oahu. We'll have to try and get together for a drink on the Golden. Keeping costs down in London is going to be a challenge! I bid on a three night pre-cruise package via the Luxuary Link web site. Got a "good deal" on the Parkes Hotel in Knightsbridge. Now I'm trying to arrange a car and driver to Southampton on the 19th or 20trh. haven't decided to stay in Southampton the night before the cruise or remain in London till the morning of the 20th. Friends who live in London said we'd be better off staying there and going down to Southampton the morning of the 20th. The 20th being a Sunday they said traffic would not be too bad.


We live on Oahu. We're going to be in London from the 17th, then go to Cornwall the next day. We got the rail pass that's for either 8 days or 2 months. The plan is to see Cornwall, Devon & Southampton until we have to board. Knightsbridge is where Harrod's is. Good choice.