Golden Princess2/06/ - 2/13/05 & 2/13/ -2/20/05


Cruise cutie

We are presently 2 couples from Vermont booked to go back to back on Golden Princess in February 2005... out of San Juan for 2 Southern Carib Itineraries .It's a while away but we have to book up to 18 months away due to work,etc..Joining us?? get in touch... :cheers...Joanne

Cruise cutie

Up to 4 couples going now..:grin and love to have any @ddicts who are for a meet and greet..Join In..:)..=welcome to let us know here..:).Joanne

kathy s

Hi! We have about 10 people registered for the first leg on Cruise Critic and I think about 6 for the second week. I noticed you haven't posted for a while. Have you given up?

Cruise cutie

yes I did give up...thanks for the e-mail........................any one else???..:grin........BUMP>>;)..Joanne

kathy s

Hi Joanne!
Still hanging in. Have a bunch of us (maybe 4 couples, possibly 2 more) meeting in the Sports Bar for Super Bowl. Care to join us?

It is now Monday 10/11/2004 at 8:16:46 PM
Event: Golden Princess Cruise
Scheduled For 2/6/2005 11:00:00 PM
3 months 26 days 2 hours 43 minutes 14 seconds or
16 weekends or
118 days or
2,834 hours (1,889 waking hours) or
170,083 minutes or
10,204,993 seconds


Cruise cutie

Sure what the hell!!!!..............sounds good to us..we are alone on the first leg of the cruise then joined on rollover night..let me know the details and DH Mark and I will be sure to hitch up with all of you...:cheers..what a way to watch the Super Bowl..on board a cruise ship!!..:thumb...:)...PS....Go Denver Bronco's..:grin..DH is from Colorado.......=cheerleader....:grin..:)....Joanne

kathy s

Hi Joanne, we are meeting in the sports bar, I think it is called Players(?). Have you been on the Golden before? Have been on Princess 4 times before, but always on the Sun and the Dawn, oops! forgot the Royal! Anyway, most of the people are getting into SJ at least the day before. We all plan to meet in Players for kickoff. Will let you know what we come up with to identify each other. Can't wait to meet you! (that will mean I am on a cruise and READY!!) Meeting one couple from MI that will be there for dinner on 10/30. Should be fun.

Just to give you a lift........
It is now Tuesday 10/12/2004 at 9:09:53 PM
Event: Golden Princess Cruise
Scheduled For 2/6/2005 11:00:00 PM
3 months 25 days 1 hour 50 minutes 7 seconds or
16 weekends or
117 days or
2,809 hours (1,873 waking hours) or
168,590 minutes or
10,115,406 seconds

Cruise cutie

=coolsign...we have been on Ocean Princess...(our belated honeymoon 2 1/2 years after the wedding ).,and the Coral Princess for a 10 day Panama Canal cruise..., I also did Crown and Regal in a previous Life....(first Husband ..)..amicable relationship..but have the Hubby of my dreams now....he LOVES to cruise and Dance and go to the casino...:thumb..sounds like a great time at the Players bar...we are going in the 4th in San Juan as we fly in from 6AM at the Vermont airport..hit San Juan by 2PM!!..:grin..going to enjoy it all...staying at the Wyndham Condado 2 nights pre and one post the broken down countdown..WHOO HOO..!!!..:jump :jump :jump.:grin..Joanne..

kathy s

We get in on the 5th. Not sure where we are staying. Have a tentative for Wyndam Condado, but Amber(wonderfully infamous Burbunny) is working on getting us a fabulous price. She said October so will let you know where we are staying.

I promised everyone on the other board that our identifier would NOT be nose rings, so will let you know what it is! Talk to you soon,

Cruise cutie

Well I will have on a Silk Flower Lei and bracelet I got at " I party " the other get in the spirit of it that's how you can start to recognise me....:grin..DH Mark is 6'2"" and hard to miss....sigh..just 47 more days...:)..Joanne

kathy s

OK! You badgered me into it! Here it is!

It is now Saturday 12/18/2004 at 11:16:31 PM
Event: Golden Princess Cruise
Scheduled For 2/6/2005 11:00:00 PM
1 month 18 days 23 hours 43 minutes 29 seconds or
7 weekends or
50 days or
1,199 hours (799 waking hours) or
71,983 minutes or
4,319,008 seconds
(countdown to cruise, not SJ)

I will have to see if I can find a couple of those! Great talking to you and looking forward to meeting you!

Cruise cutie

=lolgang..OMG..those countdown posts save me......I paid a whole $1.49 for my lei and'll pack and and I will be in my glory wearing it......:grin...:thumb..nice talking to you too.....Joanne

kathy s

I know....49 days now! Can't believe there aren't more Cruise Addicts going!
I got three pareo's Friday from Hilo Hattie's for when my clothes don't fit by the second week!
Daughter graduated from U of M today...hooray!!!!! Honors graduate in environmental sciences. Was hard for her to do with 3 lively boys and a very active husband, but she did it!
Got our TSA locks, new, lighter luggage, and I am READY!!

kathy s

Hi JoAnn! Got our docs on the 11th. Was interested that according to Princess, I am retired and my daughter (emergency contact) is now my aunt! So I figure I am now younger, and retired, so I must be rich! Now that's a WHOOHOO! LOL Called my TA and she sent me an email saying she was going to tell them I was clergy, but somehow knew I couldn't pull it off!

See you in:
It is now Friday 1/14/2005 at 6:06:05 AM
Event: Golden Princess Cruise
Scheduled For 2/6/2005 11:00:00 PM
23 days 16 hours 53 minutes 55 seconds or
3 weekends or
23 days or
568 hours (379 waking hours) or
34,133 minutes or
2,048,034 seconds


Cruise cutie

OMG ROTFLMAO...............we are in deep doo-doo if they try that on me..........=rofl..:thumb..thanks for the clock update Kathy..:grin...Joanne

kathy s

Hi JoAnne! Can you beleive it is almost here? This time next week I will be shoving last minute things into the suitcase! Ran into a problem with the hotel. Sheraton San Juan (old Wyndham Old San Juan) called today and said they had to cancel our reservation because of a major water pipe bursting and flooding several floors of the hotel! They are getting us a room at the Wyndham Condado, so hopefully things will work out! Sure hope so!

It is now Saturday 1/29/2005 at 12:16:54 AM
Event: Golden Princess Cruise
Scheduled For 2/6/2005 11:00:00 PM
8 days 22 hours 43 minutes 6 seconds or
1 weekend or
8 days or
214 hours (143 waking hours) or
12,883 minutes or
772,985 seconds

Cruise cutie

WHOO HOO.=bigwave.......we ARE at the Wyndham Condado..flying in FRIDAY!!! Landing in San Juan at 2PM...+/-...via Newark... and there is a 10 day forecast and we checked the weather out of Vermont at and we are supposed to be sunny and in the 20's -30's no snow till Sunday..Whoo HOO...=lolgang..I am packing in a few minutes right after we have salads for lunch.....also we are cabbing at 10 :45 AM on Sunday. from the Wyndham Condado the Golden Princess pier shuttles for me..I get so nauseated with buses..:( it's time to get the packing :party started..see you later..:grin..Joanne