Good Luck to Pucci


Captain Weather
Good luck and best wishes to Pucci today

and a few ((((Mary Ann))))



Staff Captain
Sending good thoughts for Pucci and Mary Ann!!!!



Environmental Compliance Officer
I was thinking about Pucci and Mary Ann this morning on my drive in. Hope all goes well and His Majesty is given a clean bill of health


Safety Officer
I also have been thinking about Pucci and Mary Ann today since today was Pucci's surgery. I hope all is going well and that Mary Ann will check in with us soon!


Forever Remembered
Responding with heartfelt thanks to this, and Judi's, post.

Four little lumps were removed - one near Pucci's breastbone, one in his armpit, and two from his back. His Vet says that all look like lipomas (fatty tumors), please God, but they're being biopsied to be sure.

His Majesty was under anesthesia one hour five minutes. As always, he was given over to me in recovery. The Vet remarked that Pucci made it very clear whose arms he wanted! (GOOD BOY)

He's under pretty heavy sedation for pain, and I've got pain medication to administer to him. He's sound asleep on his cushion near me.

Thank you for your prayers, good thoughts and good wishes.

Mary Ann

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Kept thinking of Pucci all day.

Glad he is asleep and hopefully will sleep through the night.


Just give him a coupole of soft pats and scritches from Maw. These things harder on us sometimes than the pets.


Forever Remembered
:thankyou: Pucci, and therefore, I slept well last night. He's drinking water and eating reasonably well. He's been trying to scratch the surgical incision on his side, so the Veterinary Hospital said to put a t-shirt on him. Well...let's say he has outgrown his t-shirts so I've got his Aloha shirt on him.


The photo was taken a couple of years ago.