good news


Staff Captain
I got the the biopsy report today and the meedle biopsy came back benign thank you for all your prayers
I am seeing my new ent doctor on thur I still have sinus problems and hope he can give me something for it. The med that the other doctor gave me only helps sometime.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Audrey, that is great news! I'm very happy for you! I think you should go on a cruise next month to celebrate!


Staff Captain
ha ha I am ready to go on a cruise next month could not come soon enouft for me and mary ann we will celebrate next month for sure all of us together

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
That is wonderful news!!

Hope your doctor can give you something that will work for your sinus.


Staff Captain
Wonderful news! So glad everything is ok.