Grand class vs. Voyager class



RCL appears to have many activities for children for all ages. For those who have cruised on both with children as young as 3, would you please post here your comparisons and which you prefer better for families.


No children but I think U will find BOTH Lines VERY comparable in their offerings with children of that age so that would be the last criteria I would use in the decision making process of which line to cruise on. The Grand and Voyager Class vessels are VERY similar in offerings with a slight edge going to the Voyager Class in the Amount of diversity and # of offerings. Either selection will be a VERY Good one for U IMO. Enjoy!!! :thumb



We cruised Voyager of the Seas last summer and Caribbean Princess last week. I don't know what all the fuss is about Princess. Voyager was so much better in all aspects, except pool water. Voyager uses salt water, Princess fresh. I was very disappointed in Princess. Rooms, shows, activities, employees knowledge, even the lack of class the cruisers and employees had or didn't have was so very much better on Voyager. I have never seen so many rude people in any one place as on the Caribbean Princess! The Voyager is definately a much classier ship. I would never consider Princess again. The captain on Voyager would explain what islands you were passing, the weather, many things that made our cruise more enjoyable. The Princess captain was hardly ever heard. You could check your account on the TV on Voyager while on Princess you had to wait in line to see it. The Voyager ship was so much more beautiful than Princess. And cleaner. There was a large stain on the carpet by the door to one of the pool areas that was not cleaned the entire week on Princess. The entertainment staff were not very classy on Princess. They made racist remarks and in my opinion were not very funny. I wish we had rebooked with Voyager, but then we would have never known how much better RCCL is!

Cruise cutie

Just as an can check your account on Princess on the to the Captain not speaking over the PA sysytem on islands and things..they keep ALL PA announcements to a minimum on Princess for the simple reason most passengers do not want the extra distraction..the ONLY exception was the delightful day of passing through the Panama Canal where they had an expert in the field explaining through out the day all about the Canal on the PA system but announcements are NOT piped into the rooms on purpose..people have their privacy in their rooms..:lol.announcements made over the PA... DO go onto the TV and preempt the volume from the program on the bingo,art auction,sales etc.announcements are on Princess Cruises as has been stated was ad nauseam on a recent RCCL cruise...There are racists all over the is a terrible thing to see,on a ship on land,anywheres..hope you reported their behavior to the proper channels.. ..I am sorry that you did not have a good cruise on Princess..really is a shame to slam an entire cruise line over one ship..and cruising on a huge ship when summer tends to have boisterous ,loud cruisers makes for a less intimate time on some ways even though I am looking forward to our RCCL cruise in October 2005 on the Mariner because it is the cruise @ddicts group sailing....I really dread the 1000 extra passengers/staff ratio versus Princess for square footage..will be interesting to see...Happy cruising and enjoy your research for the most fun!!..:daisy..Joanne


:wave It has been said over and over again on these boards that it really is a matter of ones own personal likes and dislikes as to which cruise line they prefer. Having said that, i don't think any of us can decide which line will be better for someone else. Vjj5712, i hope when all is said done you will make your decision based on what suits you
best. Happy cruising ! =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave

Post Edited (08-05-04 12:40)