Grand Princess - Dry Dock Videos


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Let's watch the work in progress on the Grand Princess....can't wait to sail her again someday :boogie: Stay tuned for more episodes to be added.





red stripe

Staff Captain
Thank you Denise.
Just think.. our cruise was the last one to use 'skywalkers" it seems that as the grand was first in line for the shopping cart handle.. they made it out of very strong and heavy materials, while the other ships left with the handles were made out of lighter stuff.. less drag so they told us.

I am very interested in how this will all turn out, and would love to sail on her again after the renovations..

looking forward to the next installments.
BTW.. can anyone remember how long they predicted this would take?


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Episode 5 - The Atrium Stairs Come Down

Tomorrow...bye bye Skywalkers :( Red, I don't remember how long the drydock was for :shrug:


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
OK found it on the Princess website....from April 12th to May 4th they expect to present the videos.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor



Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Down time for the crew during the dry dock


Tomorrow they remove Skywalkers!

red stripe

Staff Captain
and That I want to see.. bye bye shopping cart..

Denise, thank you for this. I finally found the time to play "catch-up"

I think it is going to be amazing when it is all done, and would love to go back on her again.


Staff Captain
What happens if it rains?


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor




Staff Captain
Community Sponsor

