Grand Princess Music



Can anyone tell me what the Grand Princess Western cruise theme is.
Is the music and ship caribbean themed or Mexican themed. An example is the band around the pool.
We were on the Golden and so I know the out-island is caribbean.


I've been on the Grand a few times, both Western and Eastern, but I can't really say I could put my finger on a theme. It's sort of generic. If I had to pick between the two choices you gave I'd say Caribbean since I don't recall anything with a Mexican theme standing out. As for the band by the pool... again it's sort of generic, they play a little of everything.

I recall seeing a Mexican buffet once or twice... and there's a country western band in the Painted Desert restaurant that may have relocated for that.

Hopefully you'll get some theme experts to reply to your post... but since I was the first, I figured I'd tell you what I know even though I wasn't really paying attention themewise...

The Grand has always been very enjoyable... Have fun!