Grand Princess Review Posted



I have posted a review from our May 25th Grand Princess Cruise.

One thing I left off was about disembarkation. It is all done by color coded tickets. the first off are red, those with flights leaving FLL or Miami before 11:15 a.m. then it goes by deck, from highest to lowest. We had a 12:30 flight out of FLL and were worried that our colored tag (gold) would be called late and rush us for our flight. We checked with the purser and wwere assured that we'd be off the ship by 9:15. After breakfast, we relaxed by the pool and waited for our color to be called and sure enough, at almost exactly 9:15 we were heading off the ship to claim our luggage. One word of advice - DON'T wait down by where disembarkation is taking place, it gets so congested and hard for those trying to get off to maneuver. Plenty of room around the pool or in the lounges and you can hear the announcements all over the ship Also, make sure you have your sign and sail card when you get off, they use it to make sure everyone gets off.

Luggage is grouped by tag color, big signs hang overhead. We had no trouble locating ours (they're bright red, which really helps!).

If you book your own air but want to purchase airport transfers, you can get them at the Tour Office for $5 pp to FLL and $15 pp to Miami. We opted for a taxi, readily available and so much less hassle than the shuttle. It's $12 for a taxi to the airport and we were checked in and at our gate a good 1/2 hr. before people from the shuttle started arriving.

I thought the whole disembarkation was well done by Princess.


I added my review for 6/1 also! Our disembarkation didn't go as smoothly as yours. We were only Light Blue 1 (Dolphin deck, as the depart in order ot the highest deck...go figure) and we didn't get off the ship until 10am. Luckily, our flight to the Bahamas didn't depart from Miami airport until 12:50pm and we got there the requested 2 hrs early for an international flight. We took a taxi to Miami...about $60 with tip. The cab driver tried to play with us and tell us it would take 2 hrs to get to the airport, but luckily we knew better. Watch out for those cab drivers! I don't know why they think that is funny.
