Grenada /Barbados sights



We'll be going on a cruise, stopping at Grenada in early April , I'm sure someone out there can tell me if they've hiked up to grand etang national park, and how bad of a hike it is? And if it's worth it? Or, should we just head over to Grand Anse beach for the day, our dilemia is we don't know how much time the hike would involve, and if we'd have time to do both? We'll have about 8 hours on the island.
Also curious if anyone went to visit Harrisons Cave on Barbados and if that's worth really going to see?
Appreciate any input from whoever can help!


Have spent many winters in Barbados and visited Harrison`s cave a few times,usually when we had family visiting for a week or two. It`s the kind of place you visit when you`re tired of the beach(I`m never tired of the beach). If you are a beach person skip the caves and when you get off the ship take a cab to ...wait for it ...MIami beach! All the cabbies know it it`s in Oistens on the south coast it`s not big but it is beautiful! The cab fare will be about $20.USD for the cab not per person. There`s an old school bus parked in the shade that sells Banks beer and snacks. (greatest fish cakes in the world)
Depending on what impresses you the caves are about a 6-7 on a scale of 1-10 .The drive there is more interesting than the caves. Once you`ve seen one cave you`ve seen them all . Hope you enjoy your day there Barbados is my favorite island


thanks for your comments on the caves, I've visited caves in other places before, and I was actually thinking along the same lines, if you've seen one cave you've seen them all!
So, we'll rethink our plans, and maybe head to the beach you mentioned!


Grande Anse beach Is great take a water taxi right from the cruise dock or tender area. I have no ides about the hike sorry. I'm a beach guy also. Water taxi came back for us and we paid only on the way back. Everybody tried to pick us up but our guy came back at the agreed time. Not a long ride but enjoyable and there are (were) facilities along the beach. Not very crowded at all. Only one ship there when we were. Out taxi guy (Denzel) lined us up with his favorite vendor on the dock (Anna Marie) got good deal on spices and what not. If you buy a water colour of the Island make sure it's finished. Some of them are only partly done and area's are white. It's sort of a colour by numbers deal. pretty though..


I agree with the beach vote. The beaches are so nice--especially on Barbados. We usually just grab a cab to the beach --have never had a problem with the driver coming back to pick us up and have always found uncrowded wonderful beaches. There's nothing like having an ice cold Becks while sitting on the shore!