Grocery Market Meat Costs wars fight in Central VT this week..


Cruise cutie

so I had warned Mark that since everyone was fighting for the Almighty picnics wars this week,I was topping off the freezer for the next few months..
and since he was warned he sucked his breath in at the dent in the check book, and then let it out again right away..:grin..

I literally had to mover the whole freezer to get the use it stuff to the top shelves, and the new stuff to the bottom..

and the prices were..
85% hamburger was 2.49 a pound .
Chicken breast boneless skinless 1.88 a pound
pot roast of beef 1.99 pound for the angus
London Broil steak of 1.99 a pound angus
Ball Park Franks hot dogs.. Buy one get 2 packages free at 3.49 a package
and Plumrose Best bacon 2 for 6.00

and the loss leaders were HUGE seedless watermelons 3.99 each..
16 slice of cheese for 1.99 a package
and the number one loss leader Cabot cheese 1.99 for the 8 ounces all makes ..
and Folger's Coffee 2 for 5.OO
and his favorite Diet popsicles 2 big boxes for 5.00

so everything I ended up getting was heavy, needed to be in the fridge NOW or veggies.. so I beat it home before the big rains came.. and at least 1/2 of the free world I swear was shopping in our area.. but at least it's done, paid for and in the freezer..sigh.. I love to cook, I HATE to shop...:(..well I hate to's that??..:grin..Joanne

H2O babe

Hey cc - ever considered purchasing a half of beef and having it processed? We've done it and it pays off, but finding the room in the freezer when the locker plant calls and says it's ready is another thing! Of course the big moola up front for half that cow isn't so much fun either!


Cruise cutie

You are right Kay..on that.. I have to confess though .. my folks raised their own beef for more than 20 years.. so it was FREE..GULP.. it's only been in the last 7 years I've had to shell out money for beef..since Momma and Poppa culled the Maine herd I have had to pony up at the store..:grin makes me sad. but it's what it is.. so to be honest unless my parents "grow it'. I tend to not want anyones else's.. :grin..and they still have Red Angus Moo's for show cattle not in Maine but ownerage..

so I just judiciously shop since for the most part it's just Mark, and I.. and do pretty darn well..

once all the kids were off to college, and gone it happened to be they finished off doing it.. however Momma is threatening to Make Poppa go back to "hosting " a herd in Maine.. won't break my heart.. she just wants him home from Manhattan FULL -time to do it!!...:)
all the kids ever knew what sending the cows off meant; Gramps called it "making the bad cows that were chasing the help.. go off to the "bad cow farm".. ".that way none of the kids were scarred for all those years.:::grin..Happy grocery shopping Kay.....:)..Joanne


I did the same thing this week. Hit the stores for chicken breasts for an upcoming picnic. I combined it with the spend $10 and get softdrinks 5 12-packs for $10.