Group Cruise Question



Ok ... my family wants to cruise as a large group ... ok maybe not that large, but something like 30-50 people and 15-20 cabins ... and yes you got it ... I am the one to do all the planning ... so here is my question ...

Who do you use for a group cruise ...
What are the advantages of sailing as a group ...
How do you work excursions and such ...

As I think of more questions I will be sure to ask if no one has an issue with it ...

Thanks in advance for everyone's help ...

Ohhh wait , it may help to know that we want to sail from NOLA on the Fantasy in the late fall (Octoberish) ...



What are the advantages of sailing as a group Cabins at a reduced rate, perks provided by the cruise lines,ie, cocktail parties etc. I would call the cruiseline or a TA

How do you work excursions and such...let everyone do what interestes them.


I just finished booking our next cruise for a group as well. Although our group isn't nearly as large as yours, I found it more helpful to just call the cruise line and have them do all the work. They will link all the cabins together which ensures that dining times are the same and tables are close by. Also, the TA through Carnival actually called the other families himself (after we had gotten all the details squared away) to get the payment information from them so I didn't have to deal with that part.

As for excursions, I guess that would be up to the individuals in your group. I'm sure not everyone is going to want to do the same thing. You should research local tour guides though because with a large group, you may get a good deal from a local tour guide as opposed to booking something through the cruiseline.

Good luck.


Carnival is usually generous with some discounts, ship board credit and some other perks just depending on the ship and sail date.

Also the group leader will receive one cruise fare for every 15 full fare guests. Recently Carnival was giving one for 11 but I don't know if that promo is still going on.

Make sure you find a good T/A. Booking groups can sometimes be very easy and sometimes very challenging. A good t/a can really save some stress on your part.


Hi Our group not a big one either. We have 8 cabins booked and did receive one cabin free and also on board credit.
As far as excurisons we are letting the people pick and decide what they want to do. Everyone has their own ideas about vacation the excurisons seem to cover -the we all do not want to do what everyone else is doing.-
