Half Moon Cay



I tried to post this in the ports of call forum, but there is no option for Half Moon Cay, so I am posting it here.

I have been on 16 cruises, but never to Half Moon Cay. From what I have read it appears that this is just a private island owned by Carnival which suggests that they own all of the excursion options. Is that true?

Is there anything that I can book on Half Moon Cay that is cheaper or different than booking on the ship or online before I depart?


Half Moon Cay is Holland America's private island and until HAL chose to abandon the Caribbean for a large portion of the year, it was the only cruise line to access the island. Since that decision was made by HAL, Carnival Corp (which owns HAL) has opted to utilize the island in other ways in HAL's absence; hence, CCL now utilizes the island in the spring and summer months. HMC is on incredibly beautiful island; the beach is shaped like a half moon (hence the name), and is a couple of miles long. There are some shops on the island (not many) that sell souvenirs as well as buildings which replicate Bahamian culture. All activities and tours are offered only through the cruise line.