Happy Hour is On!!!



and I am in a fruity mood today so perhaps a Lemontini with some chocolate covered strawberries will do. :grin Stop on in as the 1st Round is on me today. :party




I just need a beer! Today started out great than all hell broke loose. I woke up at 5AM to go fishing for King Salmon in Lake Ontario. AAt 8:30 AM I received a call from Connie.. The flushing valve in the trailer stuck and flooded the whole floor of the trailer(heck we don't even live in Florida lol lol. We made a pone call to a fellow camper at home and said I needed to borrow is shop VAC. Connie sopped things up with towels when the VAC arrived (about noon) she started to vacuum. Where was Hooked? Still out fishing go figure! After catching no fish I returned about 2:30 PM to finish the vacuuming and empting out flooded storage compartments. What a mess.So now wew sit with 6 fans and a ceramic heater blowing on the carpeting. Wow what a mess. And another lesson learned, always check the flushing valve on the toilet!

I need a beer!!!!!!