Hello again


Staff Captain
More bad news. My colonoscopy biopsy showed suspicious cells, they want to do another one. Sometime after the heart surgery. Something more to look forward to. The first was the worst experience I have ever had.

Why they waited a month to tell me this I will never understand.

On top of that my breathing is getting worse, pulse ox ran into the 70s during PT. Am on oxygen and steroids.

It just keeps getting worse!!!! Somebody said I had a mou tain to climb. But it is getting slippery.


Forever Remembered
Aww, Connie. This isn't the news any of us wants to hear, most of all - you.

It's easy for others to say, but try to keep a positive attitude - if for no other reason, so you can get back to Simey and his cohorts.

Know that you continue in my prayers. {{{HUGS}}}, and {{{TAIL WAGS}}} from Pucci.

Mary Ann


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Connie, sorry to hear this. You have my prayers that this will come out fine and you will be back home soon to your furbabies.


1st Officer - Navigation
Not the best news for sure, but keep your positive attitude.....a huge part of the battle. Hope they can get your scheduled for the heart surgery soon. You know you in all our thoughts and prayers here at C@s. Hugs.....

Can someone post an address for card sending, please!


Staff Captain
Connie, I am so sorry you are facing more problems. Try to stay strong, as hard as it is and focus on getting well. Please know I think of you often.


Staff Captain
Connie I'm so very sorry to hear this, I'm continuing to keep you in my prayer's & thought's. I know it's easy for "me" to say this, but--------please don't give up hope, God can and does works miracles everyday, and I'm praying that He will work one in your life. In the meantime, here's some much needed {{{{Hug's}}}}. Please keep us posted on how your doing.


Trivia Specialist
Hi conniel....I hate to hear that that mountain is getting more formidable! Keep those eyes firmly set to t he summit and take it one day and one step at a time! Hugs and prayers


Staff Captain
Happy to see you posting but so sorry to hear this news. Try to stay positive & focus that with each day & with each treatment, that things will slowly but surely begin to improve. You are in my thoughts daily.


Staff Captain
Hi Connie....good to see you posting again, even though the latest news is not the best. I hope they can get that surgery done, and maybe it will help with the breathing too.

We miss you so much, and miss hearing about our furry friends.

Prayers and positive thoughts go out to you, dear Connie...


2nd Officer
Connie..... so sorry to hear this latest update. Prayers continue for healing and strength. Try to keep a positive attitude and focus on getting well and returning home to your beloved furbabies.


Staff Captain
Connie, it's time to bring out more prayers! I'm so sorry to hear you have bad news, but if the results were "iffy", I would much rather you have a repeat than to take the results that might not be accurate. Remember, the next results may be good ones.


Staff Captain
Aw Connie. Surely not the news that any of us likes to hear. Keep your chin up and keep a positive attitude. Prayers on going.



Staff Captain
Connie - I am so sorry that the news has been discouraging but please keep the faith and hang in there. I am hoping that you will have your heart surgery soon and that that will help with your breathing. As for the colonoscopy I hope that the cells turn out to be nothing and you don't have to do another one of those anytime soon (believe me I understand how awful they are since I them every 3 months).

I am keeping you in my heart and my thoughts & prayers. Please pm if I can do anything to help you and know that I am thinking of you every day.



Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Not the news you are anyone was expecting to hear. It does seem strange that they take a month to tell you.
Prayers & good thoughts are coming your way & you will soon be well enough to go home & see your furbabies.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist

So sorry to hear that you are having more problems.

Colonoscopy -- been there -- done that -- HORRIBLE!!

Still saying prayers for you!!

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
BIG thoughts and prayers you get things better, and able to slow all the hard stuff, stay strong ,know we are all pulling for you..and stay in touch..and I want it that you know dealing with one thing at a time gets it all done..Joanne