HELP! Freeport Bahamas info


Herb & Judy

My wife and I leave in 30 days for our Liberty cruise. I'm having a tough time with Freeport. Some people have gone so far as to suggest to just stay on board.

My requests are pretty simple.

1) where's the best beach with decent ammenities--chairs, umbrellas, showers, and snacks?

2) is there a really good seafood restaurant within easy reach?

If anyone's been there recently, I'd really appreciate comments and any web sites that might help. I've been on the net without a lot of success.




Hi Herb,

It's been along time since we've been to Freeport so I'm not sure what the island is like now. We went there on our first cruise in 94 and back then we weren't to impressed with the island. But that was long time ago and hopefully it's improved. I just wanted to congrat. you on your short countdown. We are right behind you with our countdown.


We took a shared taxi to Lacaya MArketplace. 5 bucks per person one way. (if you take a private taxi it will cost you 25 bucks one way.
When you get off the ship there will be gazeboos to stand waiting for taxis. One is for Laycay, another is for international bazarr and the other goes somewhere else- (I dont remember)

The cab drops you off at the casino. across the street is shopping. if standing at the casino turn right and the beach is right there.

Personally found the shopping to be a bit expensive-comparable to what I can get at home cheaper. (alcohol and cigars)
but there was a place inhere that sold drinks in coconuts and pineapples. 16 oz was 6 bucks and you get a free 10 oz one. Was very nice.

When we went to freeport it was soooo cold. The beach was very desserted so I cant tell you about chairs, etc. The beach is connected the the hotel there. Which had a very nice pool. I dont see how being a cruise passenger where you could NOT use these pools and beach chairs.