Help me make a decision



Deciding on Summit cat 1A - Concierge class on 2/2 or Horizon suite cat 2 - really no price difference and both are 11 days. Will I miss the tub and the larger room for the balcony. Ugh I have to decide today because it is the last suite on the Horizon..Thanks much

Spender Nui

Liz - in my opinion there is no decision to be made. TAKE THE SUMMIT! Been on both several times. The 1A's (now with Concierge Class <still not sure how good it is>) have to be the best bet.


I think I'll book the Summit tomorrow. Wish I'd booked earlier to get one of those terrific aft cabins. Oh well we are only 2 people anyway



We hope to see you on The Summit . My wife and I are booked in Cat 1B for the 2/2/04 cruise.. We prefer 1B over the 1A because of the over hang above the 1A cabins. We were on the Summit last February and had a great time and will be on the Millennium
( 1B ) this November.


Now you are making me nervous - what is this overhang. I really liked the fact that we get the concierge service since we didn't want to pay for the suite this time. Hope we meet you too. We are from NYC. How about you?


The overhang is nothing to worry about.It extends out way over your balcony but it really isn't a problem.Unless you want to sunbath on the balcony ,because that you can't do,because the overhang blocks the direct sun.The view is fine,but some people just don't like that it extends over the top of the balcony.It is a great cabin and the extras you will get will be a nice bonus.Enjoy! Just don't get one under the pool if you can help it ,you can here the lounge chairs being dragged and stacked at night and in the morning.

Laurie :wave


Hi - we are on the Millie in 1/04 - I've heard about the hang-over problem with some of the balconies (no privacy, food crumbs falling down from the restaurant and so forth) - haven't booked our cabin yet. How did you find out which decks/cabins to avoid? Thanks!!


We have had the overhang cabins a few times and we like them , but we were cruising Alaska and not sunbathing :) We have one booked for next May on the Summit :
Hope you have a good trip whatever you cabin you decide on :)


The overhang is on the sides of the ship, that is Not where the food issue is.The food issue is on the very back of the ship the cabins tier down and people can see part of the balcony not all of the balcony and food etc. has been know to find it's way to those balcony's.Again those are the aft cabins only that have this issue.All the balconys on the side are private and do not have this issue.The overhang is the upper deck (pool deck) extending way out over the balcony's and when you are in a 1a you are closest to it but all it does is block the sun from shining on your balcony and keep people above from looking or throwing food over onto your balcony.So if that is what you are worried about just get a balcony on the side of the ship and not the back and you will be golden :thumb

Laurie :wave


Been in a stern cabin on deck 9 of the Millie. I had no problem with food and only minor noise problems. 80% of the stern veranda is covered so no one can really see down.

As for the over hang problem on deck nine on the sides, to me IMHO it is an overrated problem.

I'd do the Summit. I know this is late post, but JMHO.


Actually now my problem is where to have my room. I had number 9062 and now Im in 9150 aft. I can't decide. I just don't want to be under the pool. I know there still a number of cabins left - I think 9052.,so I can still change. Anyone know about any of these cabins. Will I hear docking noise if I am aft? Thanks much