We want to take our mother-in-law on a three-four day cruise by June of this year. I have searched and have only found two. We will be driving to California and would like to port from Frisco, and if that isn't an option, L.A. would have to do. We'd like to save the money and not fly anywhere. Looks like Mexico would be our only option. Ports of call dont have to be the highlite. Her just being on the ship would thrill her. Would rather not cruise w/Carnival. We've cruised w/Celebrity and will be going to Panama in September for a 14 day cruise. We've heard Carnival is somewhat cheaper, but have also heard crappy things about them too. So, since we have to watch our money and can only do a 3-4 day cruise w/her, can anyone tell us anything you know and where from and where to? There just wasn't alot of options when I looked on line, but maybe someone out there knows something I dont. I know its easier to find the 7 day cruises, but with our big one coming up in Sept. and we are talking "mother-in-law" here, we would prefer a 3-4 day. Plus, we'll be sharing a room w/her. Please answer and let me know if you have any thoughts, suggestions. We dont have alot of time and need to get it planned and booked. Thanks alot. I'm knew to this site and have just registered as a member.