Help upgrading?



Guest's the man with the plan to propose again,
I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on getting free or CHEAP upgrades in cabins. All we could get right now was an obstructed view window (wedding rings are expensive)...but obviously a balcony or suite would be even better....if anyone has any tips on this (we're doing a 7 day cruise on the Dream in March)...please pass it along!


most upgrades at the pier are in the hands of the upgrade fairy-----------maybe your ta could call their hal rep and ask them to put in a good word for you----maybe another poster has a better idea----good luck


I think upgrading for free or cheaply is one of those things that "used to happen" We got a free upgrade on a plane once, but I think that is because the carrier was soon to go bankrupt and staff stopped defending the "rules." Anyway, here is what I understand about upgrades on cruises. Some bookings or packages will include an automatic one cabin category upgrade. That means, basically that you'll be moved from an interior on one floor to an interior on another floor or from a window on one floor to a window on another provided the ship fills up. It generally does not mean you'll go from an interior to a suite with a balcony! But give it the old college try anyway and let us know how you pulled it off!


I've found that if you go for a special, non assigned room, you'll be supprised. :D When we got our cards at the pier, we went from an interior to a slightly obscructed view (if you look straight out, nothing in the way. Look down, and see a lifeboat).

When we got married on the Grand, we went with a balcony, and then the whole wedding party was upgraded a level (new room assignments), and we were upgraded to TWO steps to a AA mini-suite.

On our trip this month, we have an assigned interior room on the Dawn. And that's fine by us, we're not expecting to change. We really only sleep, shower and change in the room. ;)


The best way to increase the probability of an upgrade is by booking a catagory guarantee. You decide what the minimum cat. that you are willing to accept and book a guarantee for that catagory. For example, if you book a cat. C outside guarantee, you are guaranteed a cabin in that cat. or better. Most often, when I have done this, I have been upgraded, although never from an outside to a balcony, but it sometimes happens.


If the ship is not full, you can often purchase an upgrade at the port. JUst try to be there early