He's in remission!!!


Safety Officer
I got the good news late yesterday afternoon! He only has 3% blast cells and anything 5% or below is considered remission. Also, his brother's stem cells (which they harvested this past Monday) is a 14 point match. At first my heart dropped....then I found out it's a 14 out of 14....so basically a 100% match. Of course he still has a long road ahead of him. He will be put in the hospital on Tuesday for the transplant. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. During the time when he has no immune system, any sickness or illness he might contract could be fatal. But he is at least halfway to being cured. I don't think I've stopped smiling since I heard the news. He will need a lot of care even after his month of isolation in the hospital and he and his wife are getting an apartment less than 4 miles from the hospital since it's required you be no more than 10 minutes from the hospital after you are released....for at least 4 months. They won't even do a transplant if you live alone and have no care giver. But he knows we will all do what is needed....and more. His wife will take a leave of absence from work and when she needs a break on the weekend, I'll keep the kids for the weekend while my daughter takes over for a bit. And yes....I'll be on the short list of people allowed to visit him while he's in the hospital in isolation. And since I work at the hospital...it makes it real convenient for me. Even though he and I divorced when my daughter was only 3 (she is now almost 38), we have remained close. He will be up here today to have his port line removed and I'm having lunch with him. I told him I wanted to see him again before he is admitted on Tuesday. I want to thank you all so much for your prayers and again ask that you continue them.


Staff Captain
What a blessing, Nita! By what you've written here, it shows that you are so relieved!

Now to get on with healing....

Will continue prayers for him and all of your family...


Senior Flea Coller Tester
This is wonderful news! And on top of that, he has what sounds like a good strong support group, which is very important. I didn't realize you worked at the same hospital, what a great thing for both of you! You bet that prayers will continue. He still has a long road ahead of him, but it's all coming together in so many perfect ways. Hurrah!!!


Safety Officer
GloBug.......I work in one of the research departments here at M.D. Anderson as an administrative assistant. And in fact, in addition to the department I work in, my two bosses both have joint research appointments in the Dept. of Leukemia. And one my boss' close friends is an M.D. in Leukemia.....and this M.D. is the one who got my ex his appointment here when this all began. :sunny:

H2O babe

2nd Officer
Your good news is uplifting to be sure! We smile with you and will continue to keep you and the ex in our thoughts and prayers. Let the road to recovery begin!



Staff Captain
Such great news! Prayers that the good news continues.



Safety Officer
Amen Amen!!!


Staff Captain
The whole "story" just warms my heart. Prayers that everything progresses uneventfully. Please keep us updated! :clap:


Forever Remembered
Nita - what wonderful and uplifting news! May all the prayers being said for him continue to bring great results!

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
That is wonderful.

He sure does have a long road ahead of him.

Prayers for him.


Staff Captain
So glad to see that he is doing better. Will say another prayer that all goes well with the transplant.


1st Officer - Navigation
That is super news! Healing thoughts continue from the deep south!


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
So happy to hear this good report. Keeping him in my prayers for a successful treatment and full recovery!