holiday, tropicale, and jubilee


cruise man

who thinks that the holiday, tropicale, the jubilee and i just thought of this why not the celebration be sold and with the money another new ship be built. i personally think that that is a good idea.


Since the Tropicale is no longer part of the Carnival fleet (she's now sailing as a Costa ship), I'm sure that the Holiday Class ships will be the first to be retired, but I doubt if it will be any time soon. Carnival just spent several million renovating the Celebration, and the Jubilee is scheduled to be redeployed as a Princess vessel in the Australian market next year.


How DARE you talk about the Holiday like that....just sell her???? I would have to go through some immense therapy if that were to happen. Yes, I'm warped, and she's my favorite.

Actually, the Holiday is going into dry dock in December to get "fixed up" , will go back to NO until October '04 when the Sensation takes her place. The Holiday will then sail out of Jacksonville, Florida.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do then. I'm getting ready to book my 5th on her since May of '03. I think that would be considered an addiction, right?

Now lets hush up all this nonsense talk. Joebat????? Aren't you going to back me up on my precious Holiday?????


I know this is going to rub somebody
the wrong way, but here i go.

What is up with the whole bigger is better attitude
when it comes to cruise ships, i mean really other than a grand atruim
what does the Carnival triumph have, that the Celebration doesn't have?
(both ships i have sailed on)

I know that the larger ships have "more" of everything, more entertainmant
larger casino, larger show lounge,
Other than being new (and who doesn't like new)
what do larger ships really offer that smaller ships don't?

Now remember we are talking Carnival ships here, so the whole ice skating rink,
rock climbing walls, mini golf courses (things RCCL ships have)
don't count here

I for one am not sold on the whole bigger is better mentality



Well Mitch, I'll tell ya how I feel. I've not been on that many cruises or that many different ships as you can see in my signature. I have been on the Conquest twice. The Conquest in my opinion is certainly a beautiful's a HUGE ship. It has many more things to see and do...yadda yadda yadda. It's service.....doesn't even come close to the Holiday (in my experience of course).

To me, the larger ships lose the intimacy that the smaller ships have. The larger ships are too busy, therefore the staff are too busy and it's a hurried feeling to me. The service that we have had on the Holiday has been so far above what we experienced on the Conquest.

The first time I went on the Conquest was not a planned trip. It happened due to the whole Holiday on the sandbar thing. The second time I sailed on the Conquest, I did so only because my children would be going with us, and there is certainly more for them to see and do on the Conquest. However since they spent the majority of their time in the pools and on the slide, the Holiday would have served the same purpose and just as well.

Many people love the bigger ships and that is absolutely fine. I just happen to prefer the smaller ones, the older ones....they've still got what it takes to get me completely addicted.


So i take it you would agree with me then.

My cruise resume is similar in lenght to your own
i just havn't set up my profile on this board yet.

Carnival Triumph

I wouldn' really know much about the whole camp carnival thing
(since at 37, i really don't tend to hang out there much, you know the whole old perv thing)
So i will give you the kids program.

But i ask you guys again, what do the larger ships have that the smaller ships don't
that make them oh so great.
(please be specific)
They all have multiple entertainment venues, casinos, buffetes, pools, hot tubs
I really can't say anything comes to my mind thats new and original (not being sarcastic)
that makes me want to run out and book the Carnival glory, over say the



Y'know....large or small, it doesn't really matter to me.....I'm just happy to be sailing. Of course, the biggest ship I've been on is the Radiance of the Seas. She was beautiful, for sure, but I had just as much fun on the Oceanic or the Ecstasy.

I'll let you know after I've sailed on the Triumph in September....:) :) :) !!


It is true the M/S Holiday is the oldest, and one of the most loved ship in the Carnival Fleet. When she was introduced, she was the FIRST of the Modern Mega Cruise ships with the current shape & design of all cruise ships. All Cruise lines have adopted her shape.

The thrill of feeling the twin Sulzer, Type 7RLbB66 Turbo Charged engines turning out 13,200 KW@ 140 R.P.M. driving those twin 18Ft. Kamewa Controllable Pitch Bronze Propellers hits full steam ahead once the captain passes Pilot Town at the mouth of the Mississippi is truly refreshing.

The M/S Holiday is consistently voted one of the BEST ships according to customer satisfaction. The crew loves the ship, as well as many repeat passengers.... Just a few short years ago, she was HUGE ~~!!~~

I still remember the first time I saw her in the summer if 1985, I though the first strong wind that hit her broadside would capsize her. How wrong I was!!! Last fall I have the pleasure on being on her when the winds of Hurricane Lili hit her broadsides. She rode it as stable as any current ship afloat with the exception of the S.S. Norway.

Oh.. did I happen to mention I LOVE the M/S Holiday ~~!!~~

<img src=>


I have to agree that bigger isn't necessarily better. I have sailed Tropicale and Celebration and loved both ships. I have sailed Victory, Destiny and soon Glory but I would have no problem sailing a Holiday class ship. The only difference I have found are more balconies on the newer larger ships; more lounges to rack up the sail’n sign in; and larger shops and spa areas to spend your money in too. And I too like that fact that on the 49,000 ton ships you get to know more of your fellow cruisers and staff.


See Joebat...I knew you were out there somewhere and would hear me calling......