We were in either cabin 5146 or 5148 in February 1999. The engine noise in the cabin was very evident. It took a couple of nights to get used to. Remember you travel at night, so being an early riser may be a disadvantage. There is a possibilty that the outsides may be quiter than the insides too. Our friends had either cabin 5133 or 5127, a little more forward, and the noise was apparent in the hallway, but not in the cabin. Check out where category 12 is, those must be the noisiest cabins, and they are surrounded by category 11's. I must say that we had no problem with motion, just noise. We did go to a cocktail party in cabin 5164, and it was a great view. There is nothing like watching the prop wash at night as it trails off into the darkness.
Now the big question, would we stay in the same cabin again? I would have to say yes, if we got the same type of deal we got before. We had an 11 day for the price of a seven day, plus one category upgrade.