Houston to Galveston



What's the best way to get from Houston to Galveston? We are arriving in Houston the day before departure.


check out <galvestonlimousineservice.com> 35.00 per person one way. It is a 72 mile/90 minute trip they tell us. We too are arriving a day before the cruise, so cannot use carnival on the way down since they do not run service on non sailing days.( they use this same service i understand). We have booked on carvival for the return trip after the cruise as we think this will get us on a bus sooner than privately booking...we have a minor crunch with our flight on the way home, so want to do all we can to get off to the airport asap! A 72 jile cab would be pretty expensive i think, but check out all options. You will see this one leaves every half hour from Bush Intyernational. Bon Voyage!


i used galveston limo service also,but i paid 100.00 round trip for 2 people but its about a 45 minute trip if your leaving from houston hobby like i did, and if so the limo service is plentiful from hobby airport, with multiple vans leaving at different times,but i believe that bush international is about a 72 mile trip.